Query Slow Performance

  • please i am using sql server 2005, i wrote a simple query that joins only 4 tables. 2 of them have thousands of records. the query returns 4500 records in 1 minute and 30 seconds...is that acceptable??

  • How does the query plan look ?

    Is it using indexes ?

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • post the query and the query plan, and we can take a look

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  • sindbad7000 (11/5/2009)

    please i am using sql server 2005, i wrote a simple query that joins only 4 tables. 2 of them have thousands of records. the query returns 4500 records in 1 minute and 30 seconds...is that acceptable??

    Nope... not acceptable. But can't help because there's not enough info. Please see the second link in my signature line below to get better help.

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  • That kind of query should return much quicker. As the others said though, post more info and we can help more effiiciently.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Here Is My SQL Query :

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_rpt_AccountStatement]

    @dateFrom smalldatetime = null,

    @dateTo smalldatetime = null,

    @AccountNum nvarchar(20) = null,

    @ComponentNumber nvarchar(20) = NULL




    CREATE TABLE #Accounts (AccountNumber nvarchar(20))


    SELECT @IsLeaf = IsLeafAccount FROM Account WHERE AccountNum = @AccountNum

    IF @IsLeaf = 0

    BEGIN INSERT INTO #Accounts(AccountNumber) SELECT AccountNum FROM dbo.fnGetAccountChildren(@AccountNum) END


    BEGIN INSERT INTO #Accounts(AccountNumber) VALUES (@AccountNum) END

    SELECT TransactionDetail.Direction * TransactionDetail.Amount AS Debit,

    ABS((TransactionDetail.Direction - 1) * TransactionDetail.Amount) AS Credit, [Transaction].TransactionDate, [Transaction].Description_En, [Transaction].Description_Ar,


    FROM [Transaction] INNER JOIN TransactionDetail ON [Transaction].TransactionId = TransactionDetail.TransactionId

    INNER JOIN Account ON TransactionDetail.AccountId = Account.AccountId

    INNER JOIN [Component] ON ([Transaction].[ComponentId] = [Component].[ComponentNumber])


    ((@datefrom IS NULL) OR (@dateTo IS NOT NULL) OR ([Transaction].TransactionDate >= @datefrom) )

    AND ((@dateto IS NULL) OR(@dateFrom IS NOT NULL) OR ([Transaction].TransactionDate <= @dateto) )

    AND ((@dateFrom IS NULL) OR (@dateTo IS NULL) OR ([Transaction].TransactionDate BETWEEN @datefrom AND @dateto))

    AND Account.AccountNum IN (SELECT AccountNumber COLLATE database_default FROM #Accounts)

    AND ((@ComponentNumber IS NULL) OR ([Transaction].[ComponentId] = @componentNumber))

    ORDER BY [Transaction].[TransactionDate]


    i ran it now it Retrieved 5200 rows in 1.48 minute

    The Transaction Table has 17720 records, The TransactionDetail table has 36346 records, The Account table has 718 records and finally the Component table has 110 records.

  • Have a look at this link http://sqlinthewild.co.za/index.php/2009/03/19/catch-all-queries/.

    Also please post the DDL (indexes as well), when you say 700 accounts records is that in the #accounts table ?

    Your query plan is not complete either.

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Yes, the posted execution plan just shows the plan for:


    SELECT @IsLeaf = IsLeafAccount FROM Account WHERE AccountNum = @AccountNum;

    ...which isn't really the performance-critical bit 😛

    Please do take the time to post the plan for the final SELECT - the cause of the slowness is almost certain to be obvious from it, thanks.

    By the way...SET NOCOUNT OFF?

    I think you would benefit from reading Erland Sommarskog's work on the subject: http://www.sommarskog.se/dyn-search-2005.html.


  • attached the updated plan and a txt file that Contains : the 4 tables creation, the stored proc. and the function i used in the stored proc.

  • When i removed the Order By clause the time decreased from "1 minute and 48 seconds" to "2 seconds only".....but i really need this Order By Clause

  • A full optimization will take a few minutes, but the main problem seems to be a missing index, something like:

    CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [UQ dbo.TransactionDetail TransactionId (AccountId, Direction, Amount)]

    ON [dbo].[TransactionDetail] (TransactionId ASC)

    INCLUDE (AccountId, Direction, Amount)


    and change the temporary table creation to:

    CREATE TABLE #Accounts (AccountNumber nvarchar(20) PRIMARY KEY);

  • Paul's suggestion is good, and is consistent with the missing index that was suggested by SQL Server in the execution plan that you provided.

    If you almost always return rows from dbo.TransactionDetail by looking up the TransactionID column then you may wish to consider changing PK_TransactionDetail to be NONCLUSTERED, then creating a CLUSTERED index on the TransactionID column. This change would help you minimise additional disk space requirements and would also likely improve performance of other queries (those based on looking-up based on the TransactionID column). This would be done instead of creating the 'missing index' suggested previously.


  • Thanks alot it works... now it retrieves the 5200 records in only one second...

    thanks alot again i appreciate that alot

    but please may i ask about the tools you used??

  • sindbad7000 (11/10/2009)

    Thanks alot it works... now it retrieves the 5200 records in only one second...

    thanks alot again i appreciate that alot

    but please may i ask about the tools you used??

    Which suggestion did you choose to implement?


  • Paul's Suggestion

    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [UQ dbo.TransactionDetail TransactionId (AccountId, Direction, Amount)]

    ON [dbo].[TransactionDetail] (TransactionId ASC)

    INCLUDE (AccountId, Direction, Amount)


    but i removed the UNIQUE from the index because this field 'TransactionId' is not UNIQUE

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