Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Use Results from a Cross Join for dynamic SQL RE: Use Results from a Cross Join for dynamic SQL

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    Ah! Problem is me, me thinks. Sometimes it's difficult to explain what u have and what u want to someone else but I think we are getting there. I agree that a cursor could be a solution but I am trying to keep to set based as much as possible to satisfy the purists (albeit with loops).

    Since we are so close can u clarify things a bit further. Based on your last post if the data is

    1 A Y

    1 B N

    1 C Y

    2 A N

    2 B Y

    2 C N

    What exactly should the output be.

    As to how long. Depends on volume. You said you have 50+ products, can u indicate how many responses there are. What is the definition of product, if you have 50+ they cannot be 1 char!!

    Personally I think a cursor will be the only way to accomplish this due to the unknown factor raised when you change the number of options 3 or 50 or 100 etc. However, take a look at this script at anyone who wants to incorporate might find it will help http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/scripts/contributions/204.asp. Note: There is a small bug in the script I haven't corrected yet but when I get a chance I will, if you find a way to correct let me know.