Use Results from a Cross Join for dynamic SQL

  • quote:

    Ah! Problem is me, me thinks. Sometimes it's difficult to explain what u have and what u want to someone else but I think we are getting there. I agree that a cursor could be a solution but I am trying to keep to set based as much as possible to satisfy the purists (albeit with loops).

    Since we are so close can u clarify things a bit further. Based on your last post if the data is

    1 A Y

    1 B N

    1 C Y

    2 A N

    2 B Y

    2 C N

    What exactly should the output be.

    As to how long. Depends on volume. You said you have 50+ products, can u indicate how many responses there are. What is the definition of product, if you have 50+ they cannot be 1 char!!

    Personally I think a cursor will be the only way to accomplish this due to the unknown factor raised when you change the number of options 3 or 50 or 100 etc. However, take a look at this script at anyone who wants to incorporate might find it will help Note: There is a small bug in the script I haven't corrected yet but when I get a chance I will, if you find a way to correct let me know.

  • Can yot elaborate on this approach, using an OLAP tool might be an option for this job



    This sounds more and more like the shopping basket analysis (OLAP).

    Old example of beer and nappies.

  • Here's a completely different method. Some explanations may be needed, but some of you get the idea. Working out the cost of each Product combination should be easy.

    here goes (Code may not be std format):


    Drop Table ProdX

    Create Table Prodx(

    Rid int identity(0, 1)

    ,ProdName Char(1)


    --insert into prodx select ''

    insert into prodx select 'A'

    insert into prodx select 'B'

    insert into prodx select 'C'

    Select * from Prodx

    create table #Responses (Resp int, ProdName char(1), Value varchar(3))

    insert into #Responses values (1, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (1, 'B', 'No')

    insert into #Responses values (1, 'C', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (1, 'D', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (2, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (2, 'B', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (3, 'C', 'No')

    insert into #Responses values (3, 'D', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (4, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (4, 'B', 'No')

    insert into #Responses values (4, 'C', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (5, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (5, 'B', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (5, 'C', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (6, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (6, 'B', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (6, 'C', 'Yes')


    --update prodx set prodname = '' where prodname is null

    /*** unique list of combinations ***********/

    Drop Table #Combinations

    Create Table #Combinations(

    Combo int


    Declare @ii int

    Select @ii = Max( rid )+ 1 from Prodx

    Select @ii = Power( 2, @ii ) - 1

    While @ii > 0 begin

    Insert into #Combinations Select @ii

    set @ii = @ii -1


    --Select * From #Combinations

    /******** create list of respondents *******/

    Drop Table #respondents

    Create table #respondents(

    rid int identity

    ,resp int

    ,Combo int


    Insert into #Respondents( Resp )

    Select distinct


    from #Responses

    --Select * from #respondents

    /***** Set combinations selected by each Respondent *****/

    Declare @rid int, @Combo int

    Select @rid = max( rid ) from #respondents

    While @rid> 0 begin

    Set @Combo = 0

    Select @Combo = @Combo | power(2, c.rid )

    From #respondents as a

    Inner join #Responses as b

    on b.resp = a.resp

    Inner join Prodx as c

    on c.ProdName = b.Prodname

    Where a.rid = @rid

    And b.value = 'yes'

    Update #Respondents

    Set Combo = @Combo

    Where rid = @rid

    Set @Rid = @rid -1


    /***** Count number of each combination chosen ****************/

    select c.combo


    from #Combinations as c

    Left Join #Respondents as r

    on r.Combo = c.Combo

    Group By



  • Sorry gents. I seem to have left some coomment markers in the code.

    The top block is just to get Temporary table to work with.

  • You could code and store the different product combinations as bitmasks, where each product corresponds to a bit of the bitmask (A=1, B=2, C=4, etc.). For 3 products there are 7 possible combinations:

    create table #combis (code int, products varchar(100))

    insert #combis values (1,'A')

    insert #combis values (2,'B')

    insert #combis values (3,'AB')

    insert #combis values (4,'C')

    insert #combis values (5,'AC')

    insert #combis values (6,'BC')

    insert #combis values (7,'ABC')

    Now the following query yields the desired output:

    select products, count(*)

    from (

    select resp, pref = sum(power(2,rid))

    from #responses r,

    prodx p

    where p.prodname = r.prodname

    and value = 'Yes'

    group by resp

    ) t,


    where code & pref > 0

    group by code, products

    order by len(products), products

    The filter code & pref > 0 gives the number of respondents that would buy at least one product of the given product combination. For a variable number of products the #combis table can easily be populated dynamically by using a loop or a cursor. The maximum number of different products with this method is 31, but extra code fields may be added if needed.

    Jorg Jansen

    Jorg Jansen

    Manager Database Development


    The Netherlands

    Jorg Jansen
    Manager Database Development
    The Netherlands

  • AKShah1,

    There is an error in the code I sent you

    Here is the corrected code:

    Drop Table #ProdX

    Create Table #Prodx(

    Rid int identity(0, 1)

    ,ProdName Char(1)


    --insert into prodx select ''

    insert into #prodx select 'A'

    insert into #prodx select 'B'

    insert into #prodx select 'C'

    Drop Table #Responses

    create table #Responses (Resp int, ProdName char(1), Value varchar(3))

    insert into #Responses values (1, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (1, 'B', 'No')

    insert into #Responses values (1, 'C', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (1, 'D', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (2, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (2, 'B', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (3, 'C', 'No')

    insert into #Responses values (3, 'D', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (4, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (4, 'B', 'No')

    insert into #Responses values (4, 'C', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (5, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (5, 'B', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (5, 'C', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (6, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (6, 'B', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (6, 'C', 'Yes')

    --update prodx set prodname = '' where prodname is null

    /*** unique list of combinations ***********/

    Drop Table #Combinations

    Create Table #Combinations(

    Combo int,

    Prods varchar(100)


    Declare @ii int, @Prod varchar(10)

    Select @ii = Max( rid )+ 1 from #Prodx

    Select @ii = Power( 2, @ii ) - 1

    While @ii > 0 begin

    Set @Prod = ''

    Select @Prod = LTrim( @Prod + ' ' + ProdName )

    From #Prodx

    Where @ii & Power(2, rid ) = power( 2, rid )

    Insert into #Combinations Select @ii, @Prod

    set @ii = @ii -1


    --==******* create list of respondents *******

    Drop Table #respondents

    Create table #respondents(

    rid int identity

    ,resp int

    ,Combo int


    Insert into #Respondents( Resp )

    Select distinct


    from #Responses

    --Select * from #respondents

    --***** Set combinations selected by each Respondent *****

    Declare @rid int, @Combo int

    Select @rid = max( rid ) from #respondents

    While @rid> 0 begin

    Set @Combo = 0

    Select @Combo = @Combo | power(2, c.rid )

    From #respondents as a

    Inner join #Responses as b

    on b.resp = a.resp

    Inner join #Prodx as c

    on c.ProdName = b.Prodname

    Where a.rid = @rid

    And b.value = 'yes'

    Update #Respondents

    Set Combo = @Combo

    Where rid = @rid

    Set @Rid = @rid -1


    --***** Count number of each combination chosen ****************

    select c.combo, c.Prods


    from #Combinations as c

    Left Join #Respondents as r

    on r.Combo = c.Combo

    Group By

    c.combo, c.prods

    Order by 1

  • Hi,

    This does not work either.

    A quick way to test it is to simply do something like

    Select count(distinct resp)

    From tblrespondent

    Where Prod='A' or Prod='B'

    change the where clause to the combincation you wish to test.

    e.g. for only product 'A' combination we would use Where Prod='A'

    Hope that clarifies things.




    There is an error in the code I sent you

    Here is the corrected code:

    Drop Table #ProdX

    Create Table #Prodx(

    Rid int identity(0, 1)

    ,ProdName Char(1)


    --insert into prodx select ''

    insert into #prodx select 'A'

    insert into #prodx select 'B'

    insert into #prodx select 'C'

    Drop Table #Responses

    create table #Responses (Resp int, ProdName char(1), Value varchar(3))

    insert into #Responses values (1, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (1, 'B', 'No')

    insert into #Responses values (1, 'C', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (1, 'D', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (2, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (2, 'B', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (3, 'C', 'No')

    insert into #Responses values (3, 'D', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (4, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (4, 'B', 'No')

    insert into #Responses values (4, 'C', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (5, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (5, 'B', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (5, 'C', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (6, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (6, 'B', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (6, 'C', 'Yes')

    --update prodx set prodname = '' where prodname is null

    /*** unique list of combinations ***********/

    Drop Table #Combinations

    Create Table #Combinations(

    Combo int,

    Prods varchar(100)


    Declare @ii int, @Prod varchar(10)

    Select @ii = Max( rid )+ 1 from #Prodx

    Select @ii = Power( 2, @ii ) - 1

    While @ii > 0 begin

    Set @Prod = ''

    Select @Prod = LTrim( @Prod + ' ' + ProdName )

    From #Prodx

    Where @ii & Power(2, rid ) = power( 2, rid )

    Insert into #Combinations Select @ii, @Prod

    set @ii = @ii -1


    --==******* create list of respondents *******

    Drop Table #respondents

    Create table #respondents(

    rid int identity

    ,resp int

    ,Combo int


    Insert into #Respondents( Resp )

    Select distinct


    from #Responses

    --Select * from #respondents

    --***** Set combinations selected by each Respondent *****

    Declare @rid int, @Combo int

    Select @rid = max( rid ) from #respondents

    While @rid> 0 begin

    Set @Combo = 0

    Select @Combo = @Combo | power(2, c.rid )

    From #respondents as a

    Inner join #Responses as b

    on b.resp = a.resp

    Inner join #Prodx as c

    on c.ProdName = b.Prodname

    Where a.rid = @rid

    And b.value = 'yes'

    Update #Respondents

    Set Combo = @Combo

    Where rid = @rid

    Set @Rid = @rid -1


    --***** Count number of each combination chosen ****************

    select c.combo, c.Prods


    from #Combinations as c

    Left Join #Respondents as r

    on r.Combo = c.Combo

    Group By

    c.combo, c.prods

    Order by 1

  • The Idea Works you Are just not Querying the tables correctly

    Add this to the end of the script to do what you want:

    Select Count(Distinct resp )


    #Combinations as c

    Left Join #Respondents as r

    on r.Combo = c.Combo

    Left Join #Prodx as x

    on c.combo & power(2, x.rid ) > 0

    Where x.Prodname in( 'a', 'b' )

  • Ok, had to use a cursor, try this.

    create table #tblResponses (Resp int, ProdName char(1), Value varchar(3))

    insert into #tblResponses values (1, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (1, 'B', 'No')

    insert into #tblResponses values (1, 'C', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (1, 'D', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (2, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (2, 'B', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (3, 'C', 'No')

    insert into #tblResponses values (3, 'D', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (4, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (4, 'B', 'No')

    insert into #tblResponses values (4, 'C', 'Yes')

    --Create table of unique products

    CREATE TABLE #prod (ProdID int IDENTITY(1,1),ProdName char(1))

    INSERT INTO #prod SELECT DISTINCT ProdName FROM #tblResponses ORDER BY ProdName

    --Count them

    DECLARE @ProdCT int,@CT int,@Keys varchar(7000),@Combi varchar(100),@ProdName char(1),@TempKeys varchar(7000)

    SET @ProdCT = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #prod)

    CREATE TABLE #AllProd (Combi varchar(100))

    CREATE TABLE #AllProd2 (Combi varchar(100))

    CREATE TABLE #AllProd3 (Combi varchar(100))

    --Create table of all unique product combinations

    INSERT INTO #AllProd2 SELECT ProdName FROM #prod

    INSERT INTO #AllProd SELECT Combi FROM #AllProd2

    SET @CT = 2

    WHILE @CT <= @ProdCT



    INSERT INTO #AllProd3 SELECT a.Combi+b.ProdName FROM #AllProd2 a CROSS JOIN #prod b WHERE CHARINDEX(b.ProdName,a.Combi)=0 AND b.ProdName > RIGHT(a.Combi,1)

    INSERT INTO #AllProd SELECT Combi FROM #AllProd3


    INSERT INTO #AllProd2 SELECT Combi FROM #AllProd3

    SET @CT = @CT + 1


    --create table of Yes responses

    CREATE TABLE #resp (Resp int,ProdName char(1))

    INSERT INTO #resp SELECT Resp,ProdName FROM #tblResponses WHERE Value = 'Yes'

    CREATE TABLE #AllResp (Combi varchar(100),Keys varchar(100),KeyCount int)

    CREATE TABLE #AllResp2 (Combi varchar(100),Keys varchar(100),KeyCount int)

    CREATE TABLE #AllResp3 (Combi varchar(100),Keys varchar(100),KeyCount int)

    --create table of products and responses

    SET @CT = 1

    WHILE @CT <= @ProdCT


    SET @Keys=''

    SELECT @Keys=@Keys+CONVERT(varchar,r.Resp)+',' FROM #resp r INNER JOIN #prod p ON p.ProdName = r.ProdName AND p.ProdID = @CT

    INSERT INTO #AllResp2 SELECT ProdName,@Keys,0 FROM #prod WHERE ProdID = @CT

    SET @CT = @CT + 1


    INSERT INTO #AllResp SELECT Combi,Keys,KeyCount FROM #AllResp2

    --Add combinations

    SET @CT = 2

    WHILE @CT <= @ProdCT



    --Get new combinations

    INSERT INTO #AllResp3

    SELECT DISTINCT a.Combi+b.ProdName,a.Keys,0

    FROM #AllResp2 a

    CROSS JOIN #resp b

    WHERE CHARINDEX(b.ProdName,a.Combi)=0 AND b.ProdName > RIGHT(a.Combi,1)

    --for each new combination get responses

    DECLARE curs CURSOR FOR SELECT Combi,Keys FROM #AllResp3

    OPEN curs

    FETCH NEXT FROM curs INTO @Combi,@TempKeys



    SET @Keys=''

    SET @ProdName = RIGHT(@Combi,1)

    SELECT @Keys=@Keys+CONVERT(varchar,r.Resp)+',' FROM #resp r WHERE r.ProdName = @ProdName AND CHARINDEX(CONVERT(varchar,r.Resp)+',',@TempKeys)=0

    --and add to record

    UPDATE #AllResp3 SET Keys=Keys+@Keys WHERE CURRENT OF curs

    FETCH NEXT FROM curs INTO @Combi,@TempKeys


    CLOSE curs


    --put new combinations and responses in table

    INSERT INTO #AllResp SELECT Combi,Keys,KeyCount FROM #AllResp3


    INSERT INTO #AllResp2 SELECT Combi,Keys,KeyCount FROM #AllResp3

    SET @CT = @CT + 1


    --Update combination count

    SELECT @CT = COUNT(*) FROM #AllResp WHERE Keys <> ''

    WHILE @CT > 0


    UPDATE #AllResp SET KeyCount=KeyCount+1,Keys=REPLACE(Keys,LEFT(Keys,CHARINDEX(',',Keys)),'') WHERE Keys <> ''

    SELECT @CT = COUNT(*) FROM #AllResp WHERE Keys <> ''


    --Show list

    SELECT a.Combi,ISNULL(r.KeyCount,0) AS 'Count'

    FROM #AllProd a

    LEFT OUTER JOIN #AllResp r ON r.Combi = a.Combi

    ORDER BY LEN(a.Combi),a.Combi

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Problem solved


    Hi Just wanted to thank Dave Barrows on solving this one!! I tested his solution with 15 variables (A-O) and with 300 responses the solution time took approx 20min. On our older unix program it takes 15 mins, but thats a much better spec machine.

    I am still exploring the angle from the approach taken by Anzio, as it might be better in performance.

    Dave's solution can be modiffied to include more variables by simply increasing the column length, although again this impacts performance.

    Heres the final solution from Dave that gives the correct results:

    create table #tblResponses (Resp int, ProdName char(1), Value varchar(3))

    insert into #tblResponses values (1, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (1, 'B', 'No')

    insert into #tblResponses values (1, 'C', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (1, 'D', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (2, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (2, 'B', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (3, 'C', 'No')

    insert into #tblResponses values (3, 'D', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (4, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (4, 'B', 'No')

    insert into #tblResponses values (4, 'C', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (5, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (5, 'B', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (5, 'C', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (6, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (6, 'B', 'Yes')

    insert into #tblResponses values (6, 'C', 'Yes')

    CREATE TABLE #prod (ProdID int IDENTITY(1,1),ProdName char(1))

    INSERT INTO #prod VALUES ('A')

    INSERT INTO #prod VALUES ('B')

    INSERT INTO #prod VALUES ('C')

    INSERT INTO #prod VALUES ('D')

    INSERT INTO #prod VALUES ('E')

    INSERT INTO #prod VALUES ('F')

    INSERT INTO #prod VALUES ('G')

    INSERT INTO #prod VALUES ('H')

    CREATE TABLE #AllProd (Combi varchar(100))

    CREATE TABLE #AllProd2 (Combi varchar(100))

    CREATE TABLE #AllProd3 (Combi varchar(100))

    INSERT INTO #AllProd2 SELECT ProdName FROM #prod

    INSERT INTO #AllProd SELECT Combi FROM #AllProd2

    DECLARE @ProdCT int,@CT int

    SET @ProdCT = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #prod)

    SET @CT = 2

    WHILE @CT <= @ProdCT



    INSERT INTO #AllProd3 SELECT a.Combi+b.ProdName FROM #AllProd2 a CROSS JOIN #prod b WHERE CHARINDEX(b.ProdName,a.Combi)=0 AND b.ProdName > RIGHT(a.Combi,1)

    INSERT INTO #AllProd SELECT Combi FROM #AllProd3


    INSERT INTO #AllProd2 SELECT Combi FROM #AllProd3

    SET @CT = @CT + 1



    FROM #AllProd a

    LEFT OUTER JOIN #tblResponses r ON CHARINDEX(r.ProdName,a.Combi)>0 AND r.Value = 'Yes'

    GROUP BY a.Combi

    ORDER BY a.Combi

    Edited by - AKshah1 on 05/09/2003 08:27:48 AM

  • I obviously missunderstood the question. If that is what you want just change the final query to this.

    Select C.PRODS, Count(Distinct resp )


    #Combinations as c

    Left Join #Respondents as r

    on r.Combo & c.Combo > 0

    Left Join #Prodx as x

    on power(2, x.rid )& c.combo > 0


    Using bits has some limitations, i.e If you are using integer you are limited to 32 products. You could use big int and get 64, else you have to use something like below ( I used tinyint (8 bit ) just to illustrate the idea. ) :

    --Variables =========================================

    Declare @ii int

    ,@PL Int

    ,@Prods varchar(7000)

    ,@P2 varchar(100)

    ,@P3 varchar(100)

    ,@P4 varchar(100)

    -- Products =========================================

    Drop Table #ProdX

    Create Table #Prodx(

    Rid int identity(0, 1)

    ,Level As Floor( Rid / 8 )

    ,RI As Convert( tinyint, ( Rid % 8 ) )

    ,PKey As Convert( varchar(6), Floor( Rid / 8 ) ) + '-' +

    Convert( Varchar(6), ( Rid % 8 ) )

    ,ProdName Char(1)


    Select @ii = 0

    While @ii < 16 Begin

    insert into #prodx select Char( 65 + @ii )

    Set @ii = @ii + 1


    --Select * From #Prodx

    Drop Table #Responses

    create table #Responses (Resp int, ProdName char(1), Value varchar(3))

    insert into #Responses values (1, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (1, 'B', 'No')

    insert into #Responses values (1, 'C', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (1, 'D', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (2, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (2, 'B', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (3, 'C', 'No')

    insert into #Responses values (3, 'D', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (4, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (4, 'B', 'No')

    insert into #Responses values (4, 'C', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (5, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (5, 'B', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (5, 'C', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (6, 'A', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (6, 'B', 'Yes')

    insert into #Responses values (6, 'C', 'Yes')

    -- Possible Numbers =======================================

    Drop Table #Digits

    Create Table #digits(

    No int


    Set @ii = 0

    While @ii < 10 Begin

    Insert into #digits Values( @ii )

    Set @ii = @ii + 1


    --Select * from #Digits

    /*** unique list of combinations ***********/

    Drop Table #Combinations

    Create Table #Combinations(

    Level int

    ,Combo int,

    Prods varchar(7000)


    Select @PL = Max( Level ) From #Prodx

    While @Pl >= 0 Begin

    Select @ii = Power( 2, Max( ri )+ 1 ) - 1 from #Prodx Where Level = @Pl

    While @ii > 0 begin

    Set @Prods = ''

    Select @Prods = LTrim( @Prods + ProdName )

    From #Prodx

    Where Level = @Pl

    And @ii & Power(2, ri ) = power( 2, ri )

    Insert Into #Combinations ( Level, Combo, Prods )

    Select @Pl, @ii, @Prods

    set @ii = @ii -1


    Set @PL = @Pl - 1


    --Select * From #Combinations order by 1, 2

    --==******* create list of respondents *******

    Drop Table #respondents

    Create table #respondents(

    rid int identity

    ,resp int

    ,Level int

    ,Combo int


    Insert into #Respondents( Resp )

    Select distinct


    from #Responses

    --Select * from #respondents

    --***** Set combinations selected by each Respondent *****

    Declare @rid int, @Combo int

    Select @rid = max( rid ) from #respondents

    While @rid> 0 begin

    Select @PL = Max( Level ) From #Prodx

    While @Pl >= 0 Begin

    Set @Combo = 0

    Select @Combo = @Combo | power(2, c.rid )

    From #respondents as a

    Inner join #Responses as b

    on b.resp = a.resp

    Inner join #Prodx as c

    on c.ProdName = b.Prodname

    Where a.rid = @rid

    And b.value = 'yes'

    And c.Level = @pl

    Update #Respondents

    Set Combo = @Combo

    Where rid = @rid

    And level = @pl

    Insert Into #Respondents( resp, level, combo )

    Select Resp, @pl, @Combo

    From #Respondents

    Where rid = @rid

    Set @pl= @pl -1


    Set @Rid = @rid -1


    --Select * from #respondents

    --***** Count number of each combination chosen ****************


    select c.combo, c.Prods


    from #Combinations as c

    Left Join #Respondents as r

    on r.Combo & c.Combo > 0

    And r.level = c.level

    Group By

    c.combo, c.prods

    Order by 2


    Select C.PRODS, c.level, c.combo, Count(Distinct resp )


    #Combinations as c

    Left Join #Respondents as r

    on r.Combo & c.Combo > 0

    And r.level = c.level

    Left Join #Prodx as x

    on power(2, x.rid )& c.combo > 0

    Where x.Prodname in( 'g', 'o' )

    GROUP BY C.PRODS, c.level, c.combo

    If you are still interested there is a stored procedure solution using the original Solution.

  • Do we have a winner? Or do we think there might yet be a better, faster solution?


  • Anzios final solution was sligtly faster then Daves with my data, however Daves seems to perform better when there are more variables.

    Both are very good, and I would appreciate some public opinion as to which is the best.




    Do we have a winner? Or do we think there might yet be a better, faster solution?


  • How about this - we'll call it a tie! Anzio/Dave, I'll contact you offline about letting you pick a book.

    Akshah1 - thanks for coming up with a great problem to solve!

    Readers, feel free to post to this topic if you have a better idea, but as of now the contest is complete.


Viewing 14 posts - 31 through 43 (of 43 total)

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