Home Forums Programming General HELP!!!! Problem with finding overlapping timeframes ... RE: HELP!!!! Problem with finding overlapping timeframes ...

  • Peter,

    Thank you very much for your quick reply. Your solution is close I think, but I will need to do some testing on it to see if it can be adapted. Your solution gives the number of overlaps per day. I need to find the number of overlaps for any given time period during that day.

    The numberclients is probably not important in determining the number of overlapping services, but it is used in the next step, which is to compare the number of overlaps with the NumberClients field to see if they are the same.

    Basically, each service has a limit to the number of consumers that can legally be served at one time. For example, we cannot serve more than 4 clients when performing habilitation services in a community setting. So, this SP needs to verify that staff put the right number of clients on the paper documentation and that they do not serve more than the maximum numbers of clients. So, the NumberClients field in EACH record of a period where there are overlapping entries must match the number of overlapping entries for that period. Ideally, this should match with the number of distinct ClientID's, but I'm willing to settle for one step at a time.

    I've been racking my brain over this forever. It's beginning to look like we need to find a different approach to group services.

    Thanks again,
