HELP!!!! Problem with finding overlapping timeframes ...

  • Hey All,

    I'm pretty new to SQL Server and, for some reason, I decided I could put together a database to handle our client services. The only problem is that these people want the thing to actually work. Go figure!

    I have a need to check for overlapping time periods. So, if a Staffperson has these 5 records:

    StaffID            ClientID          Date                TimeIn            TimeOut      

    1                      69                    6/24/2004      8:30                13:00

    1                      74                    6/24/2004      13:00              15:00

    1                      86                    6/24/2004      8:30                15:00

    1                      78                    6/24/2004      8:30                15:00

    1                      50                    6/24/2004      8:30                15:00


    Which can be represented like this:








    How can I group the records in a select statement so that I know all these records are overlapping?


    I have a SP that is similar to this it takes the records and groups into a Temp Table:



    SELECT MAX(CAST(ServiceProvisionGUID AS VARCHAR(36)))

    FROM dbo.ServiceProvision

    GROUP BY StaffID, [Date], TimeIn, TimeOut, NumberClients

      HAVING NumberClients <> 99999 --some records need ignored

      AND [Date] BETWEEN @BDate AND @EDate


    Then the SP loops through each record of the temp table. It takes the GUID from the temp table and uses it to pull information from the ServiceProvision Table into several variables. Each variable associated with the current record of the temp table starts with @NC_. The following code looks at the currentrecord of the temp table and attempts to count all the records that have an overlapping time frame:


    SELECT @Count = Count(*)

       FROM dbo.ServiceProvision SP

       WHERE StaffID = @NC_STFID

      AND [Date] = @NC_DATE

      AND (

        (TimeIn > @NC_TIN AND TimeIn < @NC_TOUT)

       OR  (TimeOut > @NC_TIN AND TimeOut < @NC_TOUT)

       OR  (TimeIn = @NC_TIN)

       OR  (TimeOut = @NC_TOUT))

      AND NumberClients <> 99999


    The value of @Count is then compared with the value of NumberClients in each overlapping record. If the numbers don't match, the record in ServiceProvision is updated with an exception code:


    IF @Count <> @NC


      UPDATE dbo.ServiceProvision

        SET Exception = ISNULL(Exception, 0) + 99, ExceptionReason = '*CRITICAL: NumberClients Mismatch; '

        WHERE StaffID = @NC_STFID

        AND [Date] = @NC_DATE

       AND (

         (TimeIn > @NC_TIN AND TimeIn < @NC_TOUT)

        OR  (TimeOut > @NC_TIN AND TimeOut < @NC_TOUT)

        OR  (TimeIn = @NC_TIN)

        OR  (TimeOut = @NC_TOUT))

       AND Approved IS NULL

       AND NumberClients <> 99999



    The records from the above timeframes all have NumberClients = 5 ... as their should be. The SP correctly matches the NumberClients with 5 records when the variables from the Temp table are @NC_TIN = '6/24/2004 08:30' and @NC_TOUT = '6/24/2004 15:00'. When the variables are 0830 and 1300 or 1300 and 1500, then the program will only match an overlapping timeframe of 0830-1500. So...


    When the temp record for 0830-1500 is compared, it finds these overlaps








    When the temp record for 1300-1500 is compared, it finds these overlaps







    When the temp record for 0830-1300 is compared, it finds these overlaps







    Does anyone know how to group these records with overlapping timeframes in a better way or how to compare the overlaps more accurately or a different algorithm for finding overlapping timeframes?!? Please help.


    Best regards,

    Kyle Brown



  • I have probably misunderstood what you are trying to calculate, but the following SQL tells you how many overlaps each staff member has per day. You can change it as you want, to show anything.

    create table #temp (guid uniqueidentifier, staffid integer, clientid integer, [date] datetime, timein datetime, timeout datetime)

    insert into #temp values (newid(), 1, 69, '20040624', '08:30', '13:00')

    insert into #temp values (newid(), 1, 74, '20040624', '13:00', '15:00')

    insert into #temp values (newid(), 1, 85, '20040624', '08:30', '15:00')

    insert into #temp values (newid(), 1, 78, '20040624', '08:30', '15:00')

    insert into #temp values (newid(), 1, 50, '20040624', '08:30', '15:00')

    select * from #temp

    select staffid, [date], max(overlaps) as overlaps


    (select t1.guid, t1.staffid, t1.[date], t1.clientid, count(*) as overlaps

    from #temp t1

    left join #temp t2 on t1.staffid = t2.staffid and = and t1.guid <> t2.guid

    where (t2.timein >= t1.timein and t2.timein < t1.timeout) or (t2.timeout > t1.timein and t2.timeout <= t1.timeout)

    group by t1.guid, t1.staffid, t1.[date], t1.clientid

    ) t3

    group by staffid, [date]

    I wasn't sure where NumberClients came from, so I ignored it

    Hope this gives you an idea of how it can be done.


  • Peter,

    Thank you very much for your quick reply. Your solution is close I think, but I will need to do some testing on it to see if it can be adapted. Your solution gives the number of overlaps per day. I need to find the number of overlaps for any given time period during that day.

    The numberclients is probably not important in determining the number of overlapping services, but it is used in the next step, which is to compare the number of overlaps with the NumberClients field to see if they are the same.

    Basically, each service has a limit to the number of consumers that can legally be served at one time. For example, we cannot serve more than 4 clients when performing habilitation services in a community setting. So, this SP needs to verify that staff put the right number of clients on the paper documentation and that they do not serve more than the maximum numbers of clients. So, the NumberClients field in EACH record of a period where there are overlapping entries must match the number of overlapping entries for that period. Ideally, this should match with the number of distinct ClientID's, but I'm willing to settle for one step at a time.

    I've been racking my brain over this forever. It's beginning to look like we need to find a different approach to group services.

    Thanks again,


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