Apologies to Ken Henderson

  • well - they do say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...rather than have this leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth, maybe we should shift the perspective & look upon this as a genuine accolade to Ken Henderson...(just not acknowledged unfortunately...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Has anyone here seen the film "Shattered Glass?" Its about the reporter at the New York Times Stephen Glass who was caught fabricating news stories. It's not the same as plagiarizm, but if the fact finders at the New York Times with a team of background and fact checkers didn't figure it out until he had published something on the order of 20 stories which were completely fabricated, how are you suppossed to check submissions to an on-line publication on SQL Server?

    Your apology is fully accepted.

    The only way I can think of to handle this is to continue trusting submissions unless someone points out a problem. Then if there is such an issue, make sure the details of the case are on the net. From this day forward, googling the name Kalpesh Thaker should pop up his past... "issues?" Hopefully, submissions by this person will not be accepted anywhere for a good long time and maybe some worse things will happen to him. I am not a cruel person by nature, but that is simply uncalled for.

    I love your site and have many a day found solutions to simple and complex issues by reading your articles. Keep up the good work and don't allow this incident to stop any of the great work being done.


    Paul Perrick







  • Interesting.


    Companies that send all their work to be done off-shore ignore cultural differences between say India and developed countries where the evidence suggests it is acceptable to use unlicensed software or copy trade-marked material.




    Mark Baekdal



    +44 (0)208 241 1762

    Build, Comparison and Synchronization from Source Control = Database change management for SQL Server



  • good show steve.

    Doing a Ctrl C + Ctrl V on somebody's elses work is totally uncalled for. This site is a place where you discuss your own experiences and feel that they may be helpful for fellow DBAs. Everyone can buy Ken's book, if Kalpesh thought that Mr. Henderson had done a better job of writing, he should have made a reference to the material in his book.

    I am someone who has learned SQL server from this site and http://www.sql-server-performance.com and would not like to see any of these sites to have problems due to some uncalled for acts.

    I am glad that this issue was spotted in time and an apology made to Ken. Please keep up the good work.



    Give a man a fish and he'll ask for a lemon. Teach a man to fish and he wont get paged on weekends !! :w00t: - desparately trying to fish [/size]

  • Steve,

    well done for highlighting the issue and handling it so well. As a coder, musician, and budding author (!), I'm all too aware of copyright, "fair-use", and reinterpretation laws and morals. It can certianly be a minefield.

    One thing you havn't mentioned is whether you will continue to accept submissions from Kalpesh Thaker (the infringing author), and whether you will put in place any reasonable checks for submission authenticity. I do understand that this may be difficult for SQL Server to police.



  • google.com shows hits at several web sites: http://www.testcompany.com, http://www.sswug.org, http://www.sql.ruhttp://www.obssa.com, and http://www.five24.com.


    testcompany.com deals with spam issues - it would appear a sql newsletter was being sent unsolicited.

    sql.ru has notification of Kalpesh's activities as material has been posted.

    obssa.com doesn't count.

    five24.com looks to have been SQL-based at one time (including articles contributed by "Kalpesh Thaker") but now looks to be personal

    http://www.sswug.org, however, has several postings from the great author Kalpesh Thaker.  I felt it best they be aware someone by the same name was having submittal problems and provided the necessary links to let him decided for himself.

    Mr. Thaker shows no activity in usenet.

    As I admitted to asswug.org, there could be more than one, just as Bob Smith in the US is a popular name, but for two of them to be frequenting SQL like a salt lick in the woods has to be a but unusual.


    Mr. Thaker seems to have severely underestimated the size of the planet in Earth terms.  Providing, of course, someone didn't supply his material so he would be blamed the plagiarist.

    15-20 years ago, when some of us were online, we saw the world to be fairly small, even by Internet standards. And that was before most of the people who read this were online.  Now, the planet has shrunk to almost nothing.  A marble. A bb.




  • Well done Steve!

    Another point that pay have been mentioned already - if you are going to quote another author's work, then that is OK but you MUST give them credit. That is the rule of writing.

    When in doubt - test, test, test!


  • I sincerely appreciate the measure taken by SQLServerCentral.com to offering immediate unconditional apology to Mr.Ken Henderson. Being a community site, it is just not possible for them to validate each article before publishing in the site. It is the contributors who should be responsible not to bring dis-respect to a site which is so valuable to us.

    The remark that it is acceptable to use unlicensed sofware or copy trade-mark material in India is totally un-warranted. You need not think it is not done in the so-called developed countries and that software piracy or copyright infringement is 0% there. The pointing of a specific country is absolutely not in good taste in a global community site like SQLServerCentral.com. It's better that such remarks are kept to oneself!

    Thank you.



  • Shocking situation to be in Steve, I dare say you have handled it admirably, keep up the good work!

    We all have to keep our eyes open for plagorism. I also have a Gurus guide and appreciate fully the effort that went into realising it (which is why I bought it!). There should be no excuses for any of us plagorising other authors work for our own aggrandisement. Of course, however, producing new methods and ideas based on previous groundwork has always been the standard model for progress.

    Steve Jones day live on!


  • Steve

    I really don't like the way that _ _ _ author did (copier not researcher). Reply to your explanation is very essential so that such persons should know that every one hates such activity.


    Kindest Regards,


  • Quote taken from a study:

    India, whose IT exports are more than triple the size of its domestic IT market, still has a piracy rate of 74 percent — despite the strength of its world-class software development skills and government efforts to quell piracy. This is a major inhibitor to the growth of a local packaged software industry.

    The European Union, United States and Canada experienced significant dollar losses, yet had relatively low piracy rates. This is in part because their markets are so large. In such enormous markets, even small piracy rates can add up to large losses. US figures: 2004 - 21%, 2003 - 22%



    Mark Baekdal



    +44 (0)208 241 1762

    Build, Comparison and Synchronization from Source Control = Database change management for SQL Server




  • Mark, first of all the comment that you've made about India is completely uncalled for, and out of context.

    Second of all, it is very funny that YOU are making that comment. I am sure you are from a 'developed' country, but not many know what you've done...do they?!?!

    Weren't you involved in plagearism before?

    For anyone interested, Mark had hosted one of my popular stored procedures (sp_generate_inserts) on his own site, without giving me any credit for it and without asking me for permission. He only added my name to that script, once I had found out about it and questioned him.

    You can see a newsgroup discussion about this issue at: http://groups-beta.google.com/group/microsoft.public.sqlserver.server/browse_frm/thread/3542a43598198dac/68e5725034f9521e

    In that thread, also see a message from an SQL Server MVP, Steve Kass.

    SQL Server MVP

  • I thought we'd had that "issue" rectified. If this is not the case I can remove this. In my defense I did try and contact you, which I duly mentioned in our conversations and even phoned you to voice my distress. I did change the procedure significantly to do what my users asked for and have never charged for it. If you want - I will totally re-write it so it works the way I would have orginally written it. I liked the idea, improved on it and gave it away just like the original is given away - with credits to yourself after our discussions.

    I'm presenting facts not opinion, I find them fascinating and facts should be taken into account when making decisions.



    Mark Baekdal



    +44 (0)208 241 1762

    Build, Comparison and Synchronization from Source Control = Database change management for SQL Server



  • funnily enough (or sadly enough should I say) I also found this:


    Take a look at the article/blog on the 28th April ... does it seem familar? It is the exact same article that was published here on the 28th April is it not??? So now we even have a picture to go with the name - and a new name to google for.

    Its too much of a coincidence that both articles were published on the same day.

    Would MSN give out his real name if it isnt Kalpesh Thaker to Mr Henderson, so that he could take him to court???

    Shame on those, that steal Intellectual Property.



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