Apologies to Ken Henderson

  • Doesn't matter the culture, bad guys can come from anywhere. A lot of imagination and hard work goes into writing an article that others will want to read. I am really shocked that someone would do this, especially with such a good chance of getting caught.

    Steve -- I'm sure this really ruined your vacation and has caused many sleepless nights. I know how much SSC means to you.


    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Steve,

    You don't have to worry about me.  My reference list is usually a mile long. 

    I'm sorry this happened to sqlservercentral.com.  With all the talented authors that contribute here, I would hate for this black cloud to hang too long.  All I know is that his writing days are ruined for some time.

  • Steve,

    That is just a shame!  There are so many great articles and authors on qa.sqlservercentral.com.  Let's not spend too much time focusing on this foolish person.  "He will never work in this town again." 

    Reminder to all:  References, references, references...

    By the way, did anybody realize that the Space Shuttle lifted off yesterday?  I'm attaching a photo that a fellow NASA co-worker of my husband's took at Kennedy Space Center yesterday.  Enjoy!

    Shuttle Discovery!

    Oops!  Sorry about that.  When you insert a picture here, it doesn't save it to the server.  I created this Web page on my personal Web site so you can share these photos.


  • Buy his book!!!

  • Being a student as well as a software developer right now I am in a position where I need to be careful about this very issue on a frequent basis. Check out http://www.plagiarism.org/ where they talk about anti-plagiarism technologies and services for preventing plagiarism. Some of my instructors use these services to keep an eye on students without having to spend a lot of time double checking resources.

    I find the practice of plagiarism deplorable even when it is done accidentally. If you are writing articles for public consumption or professional use please visit http://www.plagiarism.org/research_site/e_home.html and read the student guides thoroughly. It's OK to use other sources to back up your statements but it's flat out wrong to steal other people's ideas.

    [font="Tahoma"]Bryant E. Byrd, BSSE MCDBA MCAD[/font]
    Business Intelligence Administrator
    MSBI Administration Blog

  • Steve,

    You did the right thing.  I have yet to see anything from Ken H. blasting SQLServerCentral, so, no harm, no foul.  As far as the nationality of the perp, it is inconsequential.  Just get the t-shirt back and don't accept any more "editorial contributions" or articles.  'Nuff said.


  • The nature of this site means that this had to happen eventually. Cheers to Steve for being a stand-up guy about it. No rationalizations or excuses here, just acceptance and moving on. In that respect SQLServerCentral sets a standard that some other sites would do well to follow.

    And I agree with the sentiment 'buy his book'. I own 3 books by Mr. Henderson...3 of the best value purchases in print I have made.

    Buy the ticket, take the ride. -- Hunter S. Thompson

  • Steve,

    I'm very new to your site and I applaud you for doing the right thing.

    There is a positive side of this though I'd never heard of Ken Henderson or his book. But after finding out about him and reading the reviews of his books on Amazon, I will be buying them.

    Thanks and keep up the great work!


  • That's incredible.  He even had the nerve to put his picture up next to it.  If it's reported to MSN as a copyright violation, they might be obligated to pull it down.  Worth a shot at least.

    Follow-up:  I reported the Blog entry to MSN as a "Copyright Infringement" abuse and we'll see what they have to say.

    Follow-up to the Follow-up:  MS directed me to a page that specifies only the copyright holder can lodge a complaint.  If you're out there Ken:  http://www.microsoft.com/info/cpyrtInfrg.htm


  • I normally don't post that often (being a one man show at work I don't always have time to read SqlServerCentral.com everyday, let alone post), but I think I need to congratulate Steve and the rest of the staff at SqlServerCentral.com for issuing a public apology to Ken.

    It takes a big person to admit that they were in the wrong, even if the error was not their fault.

    I hope you find some way to reprimand Kalpesh for this mark that he has brought to SqlServerCentral.com. I also hope that Ken accepted the apology offered to him by you.

    Keep up the good work!

    Imagination is more important than knowledge.

    – Albert Einstein

  • Congratulations for taking a stance Steve!

    For those who found other examples of this individual committing plagerism....did you forward it to Ken? or to whomever was the original author?

    We are seeing more companies and individuals working to protect their intellectual information.  Look at the stance Microsoft is getting ready to implement....this is from ComputerWorld on-line:

    Update: Microsoft requires Windows piracy checks

    Users must validate OS before downloading updates or new content


    Keep up the great work Steve.....and for everyone else, remember to always give credit where credit is due.


  • I wonder if his company, Pinnacle Software Systems, LTD, knows that he is a plagiarist?  I went to his 'space' on MSN and now I'm wondering if those are really his kids?!?

    Warm Wishes!


  • "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might;" Ecclesiastes 9:10

    Well done, Steve. Many of us always appreciate integrity.


  • If you want to see unbridled outrageousness on the plagiarism front have a squiz at http://www.kdkeys.net/forums/default.aspx?ForumGroupID=7  Shocking.

    I have noticed a lot of people posting what appears to be second hand work without references all over the place, frequently trying to make themselves look good.

    Before I read this I had been planning to splurge on KH's box set... reckon I'll pop into Foyles on the way home, see if they still have it...


    As for shattered glass... ace film... was watching it just 2 days ago... wierd.

  • Kudos to Steve for his handling of the faux pas. 

    Kudos to Ken Henderson for being cool about it (and for writing some of the best SQL books available). 

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