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A Review of Typhon III


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Next Generation Security Software is known not only for its security products

such as the Squirrel series for databases, but also for the expertise of its

security researchers, especially in the area of database servers. Typhon III is

another security tool from NGS Software, but instead of being geared towards a

specific product, it is a general vulnerability and security scanner. Other

tools in the same space include Nessus, Retina, and GFI Languard.

Typhon III does not initiate harmful scans or tests in order to probe for

vulnerabilities. Instead, it is intended to be used as part of a regular

scanning process by an organization. Since it is a multi-threaded application,

it can perform such scans in a very rapid manner, with the time depending on

what is installed and exposed on the systems being scanned. 


Typhon III is designed for the Windows platform and supports from Windows NT

4.0 to Windows Server 2003. Minimum hardware specifications are a Pentium III or

Athlon processor running at 1 GHz with a minimum of 256 MB of RAM and 10 MB free

of hard disk space. The recommended configuration is a Pentium 4 at 2 GHz or

Athlon XP 2000+ with at least 512 MB of RAM.

For purposes of this evaluation the product was installed on a Pentium 4 2.8

GHz laptop running Windows Server 2003 SP1 with 1 GB of RAM. It was run against

a mixture of VMware and Virtual PC/Server virtual machines and physical servers

and workstations. Scans were run from a single system to an entire class C

subnet with approximately 175 systems present.


The installation of this new version of the product is the same as it was

with the version in 2004. Installation of the product was

smooth and without issue as Typhon III uses a standard InstallShield installer.

However, Typhon III does require a few additional steps in order to get the

product up and running. The first step is to generate a license key request. The

license key request is therefore tied to the system on which Typhon III is

installed. Next you forward this license key request to Next Generation

Software. If you've gone through the process of receiving an SSL server

certificate from GeoTrust, Thawte,  VeriSign, or other certificate authority,

it's much the same. Then, Next Generation Software responds with a license block

which enables the application. Finally, you install the license block and

activate the software.

Using Typhon III

After starting the application, the first thing to do is to select the

modules with which to scan (Options | Default Module Options...). For instance,

if we just want to scan for SQL Server vulnerabilities, we make sure it's the

only one checked (Figure 1). This is a new, tree-view interface which makes it a

bit easier to configure the scan than the previous version.

Figure 1

Next is to set up any of the advanced settings (like how to

connect via NetBIOS). You can do this through Options | Default Advanced

Settings.... Once that's done it's time to configure what systems to scan (Scan

| Select Host(s)) and then initiating a scan (Scan | Start Scan). Alternately,

you can use the Wizard to go through all of the settings and set up the hosts to

scan by using the wizard (Scan | Wizard). While the Wizard is nice in that it

steps you through getting a scan up and going, after you've used the product

once or twice you won't need it.

Once the scan starts, a pop-up window will appear which will

show the current status of the scanning (Figure 2).

Figure 2

Once a scan is complete the summary results can be seen by

clicking on the server name. Figure 3 shows such a case where SQL Server is

installed and at least one account has been found to have a weak password.

Figure 3

To find out the culprit, drill down until you get to the

vulnerability. Figure 4 shows an example of a SQL Server login with a password

that is the same as the user name (WeakPassword). This is clearly a no-no and

needs to be fixed. Notice in the left-hand pane the different indicators for the

severity of the information/vulnerability. The Weak Passwords is flagged with a

STOP sign, indicating this is a high severity vulnerability. The yellow circles

with exclamation points either indicate a medium/moderate vulnerability or calls

your attention to an issue that the scanner encountered. The blue circle with

the exclamation point is an informational message. Note that Typhon III was able

to pull back the SQL Server logins because the account used to scan had access

to SQL Server. It also reports on the databases on the SQL Server in question.

Figure 4

If you're scanning for multiple modules, it may take a few

minutes to complete all the scans. In that case, selecting the computer name

will show a status of any modules that are running against the computer in

question. This is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5

As to actual performance, note Figure 6 which shows Typhon III

with 14 threads. Memory utilization is light because it was only scanning one

server at a time. However, it can utilize the processor heavily, depending on

the scans that are running. At the instant of this snapshot the more intensive

scans weren't running, but note the CPU time (3 minutes and 9 seconds). In the

time it was running it made heavy use of the single processor in order to

complete the scans as rapidly as possible.

Figure 6

Typhon III is also able to report on best practices. For

instance, it is generally recommended from Windows 2000 on to disable the

Messenger service (technically, if you didn't have a real need for it the

service should have been disabled in NT 4.0 as well). I had toggled the

Messenger service to Manual before a scan and Typhon III flagged it when it did

a Windows Services module scan (Figure 7). Figure 8 provides verification of the

configuration which was marked by Typhon III as something that needed to be


Figure 7

Figure 8

In my scanning I did find a few false positives, but that's par

for the course with any general vulnerability scanner. For instance, with Nessus

it's not unusual to see quite a few false positives, especially if everything

plug-in is toggled and safe scanning is off. Figure 9 shows one such false

positive, due to the installed Internet Explorer 7. However, I flagged this one

because it's not actually an issue with Typhon III itself, but rather with the

file Microsoft provides which contains the list of security updates and fixes

which should be detected (mssecure.xml). Any product which relies on

mssecure.xml would have an issue with IE 7 because it's not covered by the file.

I like how Typhon III alerted on the fact that it didn't have information on IE

7. Some products just ignore the issue. I'd rather see the alert in case it is

truly a problem.

Figure 9

Typhon III does more than just vulnerability scanning, though.

Figure 10 shows an option where Typhon III can generate a script to be executed

in order to solve any registry issues found during the scan. This is a very nice

feature I've not seen with other vulnerability scanners.

Figure 10

One last feature I wanted to bring up is the autosave feature.

If you're in the middle of a scan of a large # of systems, the scan could take

quite a while. Autosave will save the results of the scans up to that point

based on a periodic basis. This is shown in Figure 11. One time when I was

running a scan I needed immediate use of the full capabilities of the system and

I had to exit the program without waiting for it to cancel the scan and

gracefully exit out as the currently running modules completed. The majority of

the scanning I needed had already been completed and when I exited the program I

didn't lose all of those results. Rather, I was able to import the scan results

file and see what it had found up to the point where I exited.

Figure 11

One thing I didn't talk about was reports, but they are rather

self-explanatory. Once you have a scan complete (or an autosaved scan file), you

can export to a report of HTML, Rich Text, XML, or plain text. In addition, you

can export to an ODBC data source.


Support for this product is excellent. Any time I had a question I received

an email in a few hours if I sent an email on a business day. Even when I sent a

question in over the weekend I still received a reply before the weekend was up.

Updates are also downloadable and I was able to test a minor update during the

evaluation of this product. The update performed flawlessly.


Though the version of the product only reflects a minor version change from

the one I evaluated in 2004 (3.0 versus 3.0.1.x), there are a few nice new

features such as how to select the modules to use in scanning. I'm a big fan of

the autosave feature and I like how much information this tool provides in order

to mediate vulnerabilities it finds. Also, this is the best general

vulnerability scanner I've found with respect to dealing with security issues

for database servers. The product goes beyond a registry check for version or

just looking for a blank sa password. Finally, I was impressed with how rapid it

was able to perform the scans and how accurate the reports were.


I will rate each of the following using a scale from 1 to 5. 5 being the best and 1 being the worst. Comments are in the last column.

Ease of Use 5 When I compare this to products in the same

space, such as eEye's Retina or the free Nessus, this tool is

easier to setup and do specific scans than either of those

products, hands down. As a matter of fact, as I was evaluating

this product, a co-worker was looking at Retina and was

frustrated at how I could lock down on to say, SQL Server scans,

with a few mouseclicks where he had to start a whole new scan

setup and scroll through a ton more options just to get the same

thing (well, as much SQL Server scanning as Retina provides,

which isn't as much as Typhon III does).

Feature Set 5 Since this is a general vulnerability scanner and not a

database specific one, you'd have to wonder how deep it can go

into the various database products. It can scan for weak

passwords, scan for default passwords, and scan for specific

vulnerabilities which aren't answerable with a hot fix or service

pack on SQL Server and Oracle, which is more than its main

competitors do. Therefore, from a database perspective, this

tool is the cream of the crop for general vulnerability


Value 4 Given that there are free/open source tools available that

do a lot of the things this product can do, I cannot give it a

5. However, if you need to audit general weaknesses on SQL

Server and Oracle beyond just patch levels, you want to give

this product a look. If you need to go in depth, then NGS

Software's Squirrel series is your answer. But this product

certainly is extremely good... we are looking at it as a general

vulnerability scanner where I am employed.

Technical Support 5 In the previous review and in this one, NGS Software has

been extremely prompt answering emails I had with questions on

how the product worked as well as thoughts for how things might

work better (I figured as long as I had someone's ear, I would

ask for a few things on my wish list that I wish all

vulnerability scanners would include). Even a response sent over

the weekend was answered before the weekend was out.

Lack of Bugs 5 This only real issue I encountered is the product relies on

Microsoft's mssecure.xml (the file that contains information

about all the security updates and used by tools like hfnetchk,

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer until the most recent

build). Microsoft has decided to go with a new format and there

are products that aren't covered in mssecure.xml, which is being

phased out. As a result, the product can't detect anything with

respect to those products. This isn't NGS Software's fault but

it does lead to the STOP sign alerts, which need to be


Documentation 5 The documentation is awesome, especially when it discovers a

vulnerability. For instance, we scanned an Oracle instance and

it detected an insecure Listener. The developer running said

Oracle instance was amazed that the product told exactly how to

fix the issue without us resorting to have to search for the

information in Oracle's docs or on the Internet.

Performance 5 This application is multi-threaded and gets through the

scans as quickly as possible. If you've ever tried to do

vulnerability scanning on a single-threaded application, you

know that it can take forever if you're trying to do a thorough

job. I was quite impressed with how quickly I could scan using

all the options across a C class subnet.

Installation 5 Standard clean installation with an easy method for

activating the license. This hasn't changed from the previous

version because it didn't need to.

Learning Curve 5 When I compare this product with others in its space, I was

able to get a scan up and running in minutes. It's been a couple

of years since I used the product but that didn't matter. Also,

there is a wizard to walk you through what to scan if you need


Overall 4.89 I really liked the product two years ago. When NGS Software

indicated they had improved it I was all for trying it again.

They certainly have improved it. Although I dropped them in the

value score, this is more a reflection at the number of free

tools that are out there than any strike against Typhon III's

quality. If you are responsible for securing systems in your

organization, certainly give this product a look, especially if

you're in a smaller organization without dedicated DBAs. This

product could save you a lot of embarrassment when the auditors

show up.

SQLServerCentral.com Rating:

Product Information

Web Site:


Developer: Next Generation Security Software

Pricing: Contact

sales@ngssoftware.com for a single instance license


  2006 by

K. Brian Kelley. | Web Site | Brian's

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