SQLServerCentral Article

An Introduction to the Service Broker Part 2


Service Broker – Part II

In the first

part of this article, we saw the basic artifacts of Service Broker (hereinafter SSB) and the basic steps that are required to build a Service Broker application. Just to recap, SSB is made up of the following basic artifacts:



Message Types

The atom of SSB. Any SSB application interacts using messages that are of a particular type. By tying messages to a type, we can indicate the structure of the message, its validation rules etc.


Collection of related message types. Services will normally exchange different types of messages and it is useful to know who should send what. Contracts let us define the rules of the game.


Placeholders for message that are being exchanged between services. SSB applications “send” messages to a service and the receiving application “reads” messages from a queue.


Services are the endpoints of SSB applications. When designing SSB application, you basically interact with services.


A bidirectional pipe through which messages flow in an SSB application. Dialogs are the cornerstone of SSB application and are responsible for providing message security, persistence, guaranteed delivery, exactly-once delivery etc.

The example that we showed in the first part was a simple one-way messaging application that allowed one service to send a message to another service which picked it up. This sort of messaging may be useful in situations wherein you just want a service to take some action and you do not care about the results.

However, what if you want to establish a two-way messaging between two services wherein we want the two services to interact based on various message types? This is the more common usage of SSB and in this article; we will see how we can enable this sort of two-way communication.

Most often than not, the two services that need to interact with each other will not be in the same database and instance of SQL Server. However, for sake of simplicity, we will assume that the two services are in the same database.

To enable inter-database routing on the same instance or on different instances requires the understanding of a concept called Service Broker Routing, which I will defer to another article. However, the concepts that you learn here will not change. Only the initial setup for the communication will change.

To understand two-way messaging in Service Broker, we need to understand

few new concepts. These are:

  1. Conversations
  2. Conversation Groups
  3. Message Types

Conversations are the basic method by which SSB works. All SSB applications will need to use conversations to establish a reliable, long-running, asynchronous exchange of messages. Conversations are akin to what humans do too. To talk to someone, you establish a conversation.

Conversation Groups allow the grouping of related messages together so that they can be acted upon to complete a task. Conversation group is also the locking scope for messages present in a queue. For example, all messages belonging to the same conversation group will be locked and read by a service program so that others cannot access the same. Conversation groups are similar to multiple people talking together in a conference. If there is no relation to what one person says and the other responds, then you will have chaos in the conference call! On the other hand, if each person listens to the set of items intended for him and then responds in that context, then you will have order and structure.

Message types are basically present to distinguish one message from the other. A service program might perform different logic of different message types. Since two services can exchange messages of different types, programming with the message type in mind is useful.

Ok, with this knowledge in place, let us build our simple two-way messaging solution.

The Problem

The problem that we are going to try to solve here involves two services (let’s call them BookPublisher and BookInventory). An application basically asks the BookPublisher about a book. The BookPublisher sends a message to the BookInventory service to check if the book is available. If a book is available, the BookInventory service responds likewise and this information is then sent back to the calling application. This can be represented by the following simple diagram.

As shown in the above diagram, the application calls some entry point asking for a book (this could be a procedure in the database). The procedure then begins a dialog between the publisher service and the inventory service about the availability of the book (as shown by the message envelopes).

Note that the application will not wait for the response from the query. The response to the application can come in the form of a mail or a notification (as is the case with asynchronous notification mechanisms).

Now, let’s see what how we will model this message exchange in Service Broker. The following are the various code snippets that solve the problem. You will need to execute them in order to see the complete solution working.

First, let us create two message types that will help identify the query and the response messages. The following script will create the message types.

	CREATE MESSAGE TYPE QueryInventoryResponse

We create two message types. Note that we are expecting the messages to be well formed XML documents as indicated by the WELL_FORMED_XML validation type. Service Broker will ensure that only valid XML documents can be exchanged when we use these message types.

Next, let us create the contract required for the exchange of these messages. The following script creates the contract.

	CREATE CONTRACT QueryInventoryContract
		(	QueryInventory SENT BY INITIATOR,
			QueryInventoryResponse SENT BY TARGET			

Note that the contract specifies who will send what types of messages. Once the contract is established, we can create the necessary queues on which the messages will reside. The following script creates the queues.

		CREATE QUEUE PublisherPostBox
		CREATEQUEUE InventoryPostBox

Note that we are using a very simplified syntax for queue creation. For example, we have not associated a service program to the queue. For now, we will resort to incrementally executing this solution and seeing it work before working with advanced concepts. Once the queues are created, we can then create the service points through which the interaction will occur. The following script creates the services required for this problem.

		ON	QUEUE PublisherPostBox (QueryInventoryContract)
		ON	QUEUE InventoryPostBox (QueryInventoryContract)

At this point, we are ready to begin a dialog between the two services. The following script initiates the dialog and sends the first message to the BookInventory service.

	DECLARE @message XML
		SET @message = '<QueryInventory><Book>BK1001</Book></QueryInventory>'
		--	Begin the dialog
		BEGIN	DIALOG @conversationHandle
			FROM SERVICE BookPublisher
				TO SERVICE 'BookInventory'
				ON CONTRACT QueryInventoryContract;
		--	Send a message on the dialog
		SEND ON CONVERSATION @conversationHandle
			MESSAGE TYPE QueryInventory (@message);

Note that the output from the BEGIN DIALOG statement is a conversation identifier that can be used to identify a particular conversation. This conversation identifier is used in the SEND ON CONVERSATION command later on to send a message on the particular conversation.

At this time, you can do a SELECT * FROM InventoryPostBox and see that the message has reached the inventory queue. Now, the receiver can pick this message off the queue and do some associated processing. In a typical SSB application, this is typically done by a service program that is associated with a queue, but in our case, we will write a small script that will process the message one-by-one (thereby understanding how basic processing occurs). The following script shows how the message can be retrieved from the queue and then processed.

	DECLARE @message XML
	DECLARE @messageType NVARCHAR(256)
		--	Receive a message from the queue
		RECEIVE TOP(1) @conversationHandle = conversation_handle,
			@message = CONVERT(XML, message_body),
			@messageType = message_type_name
			FROM InventoryPostBox;
		-- Check the message type and take appropriate action
		IF (@messageType = 'QueryInventory')
			-- Do some processing
			SET @message.modify('insert <status>Available</status> as last into (QueryInventory)[1] ');
			-- Respond back to the conversation
			SEND ON CONVERSATION @conversationHandle
				MESSAGE TYPE QueryInventoryResponse (@message)
		IF (@messageType = 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/ServiceBroker/EndDialog')
			END CONVERSATION @conversationHandle

The receiving logic is pretty simple. We pick the first message off the queue by using the RECEIVE method. Note that we are picking three columns of interest: the conversation identifier, the message and the message type. We also do some little processing with the message by just adding a new node to the XML that is present. Typically, in a practical SSB application, you would do some complex processing logic here.

The conversation handle is required for us to reply to a specific conversation (we don’t want to send a response to some other conversation, do we? ;). The message type field indicates the type of the message that the queue has received. You can see a usage for this field in the above script. We will get back to the specifics for this later in this article. At this point, if you do a SELECT * FROM PublisherPostBox, you should see a response message from the BookInventory service.

Now, the publisher service can examine its queue and pick the response and process the same. The following script shows the processing logic and it is very similar to the above script.

	DECLARE @message XML
 	DECLARE @messageType NVARCHAR(256)
		-- Receive a message from the queue
		RECEIVE TOP(1) @conversationHandle = conversation_handle,
			@message = CONVERT(XML, message_body),
			@messageType = message_type_name
			FROM PublisherPostBox;
		-- Check the message type and take appropriate action
		IF (@messageType = 'QueryInventoryResponse')
			-- Do some processing and end the conversation
			SELECT @message
			 END CONVERSATION @conversationHandle

The logic again is pretty simple. We just pick the message from the queue and print it based on the message type. At this point, we are done with the conversation and the END CONVERSATION command does the trick of telling this dialog that all is done. Or does it?

Post the above script, we may expect that both the queues will be empty, but on the contrary, there is one more message in the InventoryPostBox. What is this message? If you examine the result set from this queue, you will notice that the message type of this message is: http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/ServiceBroker/EndDialog.

What is this message type? This message type is SSB’s way of saying that the source is asking for the destination to end the conversation. Now, the destination has to respond back with the acknowledgment and if you refer to the earlier script that we wrote on the inventory side, we handled this message type and issued a corresponding END CONVERSATION. If you now run that script again and then query both the queues, they will be empty, which is what we want.

At this stage, you are done with implementing a simple two-way conversation and here is cleanup script that you can execute to get things back to where we started.

			DROP SERVICE BookPublisher
			DROP SERVICE BookInventory
			DROP QUEUE PublisherPostBox
			DROP QUEUE InventoryPostBox
			DROP CONTRACT QueryInventoryContract
			DROP MESSAGE TYPE QueryInventory
			DROP MESSAGE TYPE QueryInventoryResponse

Ok, that brings us to the end of this article, where we learned something more than the first part. But, have we now covered it all? No, there is still more to go. For example:

  1. Implementing conversation groups so that we handle related messages and responses.
  2. Implementing services across databases in the same instance or in different instances.
  3. Securing conversations so that no tampering occurs.

These will be the focus of future articles that I will be writing on this exciting new subject of SSB. Till then, hold on and play around with this code. I’ll be back!


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