SQLServerCentral Article

Automate SQL Server Log Monitoring



Do you scan the SQL Error Logs of all your SQL production servers on a daily basis? Do you monitor the logs for failed logins? Without tools, this can be a challenge because the bulk of the log messages can usually be ignored. The solution described below requires no external tooling and may help you not to miss out on important error messages and failed logins. It is designed to run from a monitor server and poll linked servers but can also be used ‘locally’ and run on a per-server basis. 


The core of the solution is a stored procedure which uses XP_READERRORLOG to retrieve the last 24 hours of messages from a given SQL server. It can do this for a number of SQL servers and will check older versions of the server log if the current version contains less than 24 hours of messages (this can happen when SQL is restarted or the log is reinitialized). In case of identical messages, the message is logged only once, but the number of occurrences is recorded.

Many error messages are informational and others may be ‘expected’ in your environment. You probably want to be warned only about the unexpected ones, so a stored procedure is included which filters the results in the holding table. The basis of the filter is an ‘exclusion table’: a table with (parts of) messages you want to exclude. You can define general exclusions (all servers, any time) or specific ones (only server X, or only server Y between 02:15 and 04:30).

Finally, all remaining log entries for all servers combined are emailed in an easy-to-read tabular layout:

Setup in More Detail

Below, setup is described for a multi-server situation. This implies having/choosing a monitor server with linked server access to all SQL servers whose error logs you want to monitor. The linked servers need to have the option 'RPC out' set to 'True'. Having a separate monitor server is not technically necessary. If you do not have the resources, you can use one of your regular SQL servers as monitor server.

On your monitor server (SQL 2005/2008(R2)):

  • Create a small (e.g. 10 MB) database called 'MonitorDB'. Create one or more linked servers on the monitor server and make sure you can access them with the account used for the check(s). It is probably easiest to start with a sysadmin account and narrow down as needed if you find the solution useful.
  • Make sure you have SQL Database Mail configured; record the name of a mail profile you can use to email the results of the check.
  • Create the holding table to contain the error log records of all servers:
  • USE [Monitordb]
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SQLErrorLog]
       [ServerName]  [SYSNAME],
       [LogDate]     [DATETIME]      NULL,
       [ProcessInfo] [VARCHAR](50)   NULL,
       [Text]        [VARCHAR](2000) NULL,
       [Count]       [INT]           NULL

    Listing 1

  • Create the exclusion table:
  • USE [Monitordb]
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SQLErrorLog_Exclude]
       [Text]       [VARCHAR](200) NOT NULL,
       [ServerName] [SYSNAME] NULL,
       [StartHour]  [SMALLINT] NULL,
       [EndHour]    [SMALLINT] NULL

    Listing 2

  • Populate the exclusion table to avoid warnings about ‘expected’ log entries. You may want to check out this script for some ideas. Tailor to your needs:
  • -- Populate exclusion table (lines from the SQL error log we do not want to show up in the error log warning mail)
    USE [Monitordb]
    TRUNCATE TABLE [SQLErrorLog_exclude] 
      Columns and order:
      1) Error Text 2) Server name 3) Start hour 4) End hour
      -Exclude all occurrences of 'error text' on any server, any time
      INSERT INTO [SQLErrorLog_exclude] 
        SELECT '%error text%', null, null, null 
      -Exclude all occurrences of 'AppDomain xx created', where 'xx' is any number, on any server, any time
      INSERT INTO [SQLErrorLog_exclude] 
        SELECT '%AppDomain % created%', null, null, null 
      - Only exclude an error if it occurs on ServerA
      INSERT INTO [SQLErrorLog_exclude] 
        SELECT '%error text%', 'ServerA', null, null 
      - Only exclude an error if it occurs on ServerA between 7PM and 9PM
      INSERT INTO [SQLErrorLog_exclude] 
        SELECT '%error text%', 'ServerA', 19, 21
    USE [Monitordb]
    TRUNCATE TABLE [SQLErrorLog_exclude] 
    -- Columns and order:
    -- 1) Error Text 2) Server name 3) Start hour 4) End hour
    INSERT INTO [SQLErrorLog_exclude] 
              SELECT '%(c)%',                                                        null, null, null 
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Microsoft SQL Server%',                                       null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%A self-generated certificate was successfully loaded %',      null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%All rights reserved%',                                        null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Authentication mode is MIXED%',                               null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%backed up%',                                                  null, null, null 
    UNION ALL SELECT '%changed from 0 to 0%',                                        null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Clearing tempdb database%',                                   null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Configuration option ''show advanced options'' changed%',     null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Database mirroring has been enabled on this instance%',       null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Dedicated admin connection support was established%',         null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Error: 14420%',                                               null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Error: 14421%',                                               null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Error: 18456%',                                               null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%FILESTREAM: effective level = 0, configured level = 0%',      null, null, null  
    UNION ALL SELECT '%found 0 errors and repaired 0 errors%',                       null, null, null 
    UNION ALL SELECT '%I/O is frozen on database%',                                  null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%I/O was resumed on database%',                                null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%informational message%',                                      null, null, null 
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Log was restored%',                                           null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Logging SQL Server messages in file%',                        null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%provider is ready to accept connection%',                     null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Registry startup parameters%',                                null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Service Broker manager has started%',                         null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Server is listening on%',                                     null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Server process ID is%',                                       null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Starting up database%',                                       null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%System Manufacturer: ''VMware, Inc.''%',                      null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%The Database Mirroring protocol transport is now listening%', null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%The error log has been reinitialized%',                       null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%The Service Broker protocol transport is disabled%',          null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Using locked pages for buffer pool%',                         null, null, null   
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Error 778263, severity 16, state 1 was raised%',              null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Failure to calculate super-latch promotion threshold%',       null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Using ''dbghelp.dll'' version ''4.0.5''%',                    null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%SQL Trace ID 1 was started by login ''sa''%',                 null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed%',                     null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%BACKUP DATABASE WITH DIFFERENTIAL successfully processed%',   null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Command Line Startup Parameters: -s%',                        null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Using conventional memory%',                                  null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%CLR version v4.0.30319 loaded%',                              null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Resource governor reconfiguration%',                          null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Software Usage Metrics is enabled%',                          null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%A new instance of the full-text filter daemon host process%', null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Common language runtime (CLR) functionality initialized%',    null, null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%dbname:rtc: RtcNightlyMaint executed%',                      'SQL-01', null, null
    UNION ALL SELECT '%Authentication mode is WINDOWS-ONLY%',                       'SQL-02', 5, 7

    Listing 3

  • Create the main stored procedure to read the error logs:
  • USE [MonitorDB]
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Retrieve_LinkedServer_ErrorLog]
        @Server_Name SYSNAME  = @@SERVERNAME
      , @Start_Time  DATETIME = NULL
      , @End_Time    DATETIME = NULL
    /*  Procedure to retrieve SQL error log entries from a linked server for central monitoring purposes.
        This procedure is run from a central monitor server.
          @Server_Name: name of a linked server as data source
          @Start_Time : date/time of first Error Log record to be retrieved. Default = current date/time - 1 day
          @End_Time   : date/time of last Error Log record to be retrieved.  Default = current date/time 
          1) Create table in tempdb on linked server to hold records or truncate table if it already exists.
          2) Execute XP_READERRORLOG on linked server with a start and end date. The current log file and 6 previous versions are scanned,
             in order not to miss records in case of a new log file / new log files. 
          3) Copy the records to a holding table on the monitor server, while doing some aggregation
             (in case of records with identical 'text', the oldest date/time and SPID value are retained).
    IF @Start_Time IS NULL 
      SELECT @Start_Time = GETDATE()-1
    IF @End_Time   IS NULL 
      SELECT @End_Time   = GETDATE()
    SELECT @cmd = '
                    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tempdb.sys.objects WHERE name = ''''TempSQLErrorLog'''' AND type = ''''U'''')
                      CREATE TABLE tempdb.dbo.TempSQLErrorLog (
                         [LogDate]     DATETIME,
                         [ProcessInfo] VARCHAR(50),
                         [Text]        VARCHAR(1000)  )
                      TRUNCATE TABLE tempdb.dbo.TempSQLErrorLog;
                    DECLARE @no SMALLINT
                    SELECT  @no = 0
                    WHILE (@no < 7)
                      INSERT INTO tempdb.dbo.TempSQLErrorLog
                          EXEC master.SYS.XP_READERRORLOG @no, 1, NULL, NULL, '
                          + '''''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(19),@start_time,120) + '''''' + ', '
                          + '''''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(19),@end_time,120)   + '''''' + '
                      SELECT @no = @no + 1
      EXEC [' + @server_name + '].master.dbo.sp_executesql @statement = @a    -- execute command stored in @a on linked server 
      -- PRINT @cmd  -- for debug purposes
    EXEC (@cmd)      -- exec the nested exec statement  
     -- Copy remote records to local holding table and add server name.
     -- For entries with identical value in Text field, only the record with lowest Logdate and Processinfo value is copied, and Count field is incremented.
    SELECT   @cmd = '
      INSERT INTO Monitordb.dbo.SQLErrorLog                 
          SELECT   ''' + @Server_Name + '''
               , MIN(Logdate)
               , MIN(Processinfo)
               , Text
               , COUNT(*)
        FROM [' + @Server_Name + '].tempdb.dbo.TempSQLErrorLog 
        GROUP BY [Text]
      -- PRINT @cmd  -- for debug purposes
    EXEC master.dbo.sp_executesql @cmd  -- execute command stored in @cmd

    Listing 4

  • Create the procedure to filter the error logs:
  • USE [MonitorDB]
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Cleanup_Errorlog_Holding_Table]
    /*** Script to clean up the SQL Errorlog holding table, based on a table containing entries to be excluded.
         The exclude table contains entries that need not be reported, so these can be deleted from the
         holding table. After this 'cleanup', all remaining entries in the holding table will be mailed as a
         An exclusion MUST contain
         - a text string. Records in the errorlog holding table containing this text 
           (+ any other text surrounding it) will be deleted.
         - in the text column: a percentage sign as first and as last character (unless it represents the entire text of the line you want deleted).
         An exclusion MAY contain
         - a 'starthour' and 'endhour'. All entries recorded between starthour and endhour 
           and containing the specified text will be deleted.
         - a server name. All entries containing the specified text, coming from this server
           and recorded between starthour and endhour will be deleted.
         - in the text column: a percentage sign used as wildcard within a text string, for pieces of text that are variable, such as numbers or names
    SELECT   RTRIM(LTRIM([text]))
           , ServerName
           , StartHour
           , EndHour 
    FROM     dbo.SQLErrorLog_Exclude
    DECLARE   @text       VARCHAR(200)
            , @servername SYSNAME
            , @starthour  SMALLINT
            , @endhour    SMALLINT
    OPEN cleanup
    FETCH NEXT FROM cleanup INTO @text, @servername, @starthour, @endhour
        IF @starthour IS NULL AND @endhour IS NULL
          -- Delete all records with this text, regardless of time reported
          DELETE dbo.SQLErrorLog 
          WHERE PATINDEX(@text,[Text]) > 0 
           AND (servername = @servername 
                OR @servername IS NULL)
        ELSE IF (@starthour = @endhour) OR (@starthour IS NULL AND @endhour IS NOT NULL)
         -- Delete records on the basis of @endhour
          DELETE dbo.SQLErrorLog 
          WHERE PATINDEX(@text,[Text]) > 0 
           AND (servername = @servername 
                OR @servername IS NULL)
           AND DATEPART(hh, [LogDate]) = @endhour
        ELSE IF (@starthour IS NOT NULL 
                 AND @endhour IS NULL)
         -- Delete records on the basis of @starthour
          DELETE dbo.SQLErrorLog 
          WHERE PATINDEX(@text,[Text]) > 0 
           AND (servername = @servername 
                OR @servername IS NULL)
           AND DATEPART(hh, [LogDate]) = @starthour
        ELSE IF @starthour < @endhour
        -- Delete records >= @starthour and <= @endhourur
          DELETE dbo.SQLErrorLog 
          WHERE PATINDEX(@text,[Text]) > 0 
           AND (servername = @servername 
                OR @servername IS NULL)
           AND DATEPART(hh, [LogDate]) >= @starthour
           AND DATEPART(hh, [LogDate]) <= @endhour
        ELSE IF @starthour > @endhour
        -- Delete records >= @starthour or <= @endhour
          DELETE dbo.SQLErrorLog 
          WHERE PATINDEX(@text,[Text]) > 0 
           AND (servername = @servername 
                OR @servername IS NULL)
           AND (DATEPART(hh, [LogDate]) >= @starthour 
                OR DATEPART(hh, [LogDate]) <= @endhour)
        ELSE  -- undefined condition: log error
           DECLARE @proc VARCHAR(500)
           SELECT @proc = DB_NAME() + '.' + OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME (@@PROCID) + '.' + OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID)
           RAISERROR ( 'Proc: %s: Undefined condition found in exclusion table, please contact DBA. Offending line: %s, %s, %u, %u', 10, 1
                       , @proc, @servername, @text, @starthour ,@endhour) WITH LOG
      FETCH NEXT FROM cleanup INTO @text, @servername, @starthour, @endhour
    CLOSE cleanup
    DEALLOCATE cleanup

    Listing 5

  • Create the procedure to mail the results:
  • USE [MonitorDB]
    CREATE PROC [dbo].[Mail_SQLErrorlog]
          @recipients   VARCHAR(MAX) = 'someone@company.com'
        , @profile_name SYSNAME      = '<your_mail_profile>'
    /* Script to mail 'unusual' SQL Error Log entries, after collection in a holding table on the monitor server.
       This script should be run after retrieval of linked server error logs (procedure 'Retrieve_LinkedServer_ErrorLog') 
       and removal of trivial messages (procedure 'Cleanup_Errorlog_Holding_Table')
        -- Send message if the error log holding table contains entries other than failed logins  
    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.SQLErrorlog WHERE CHARINDEX('Login failed for user', [text]) = 0)
      DECLARE  @subj  VARCHAR(200)
             , @xml   NVARCHAR(MAX)
             , @body  NVARCHAR(MAX)
      SELECT   @subj   = 'SQL Error Log entries'
      SET @body = '<html><body>
                   <p><font size="2" face="monaco">
                   (This mail was sent by the procedure ''' + DB_NAME() + '.' + OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME (@@PROCID) + '.' + OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID) + ''') <BR><BR>               
                   The table below contains unusual SQL Log entries recorded during the past 24 hours.
                   <H3>SQL Errorlog entries</H3>
                   <table border="1" cellpadding="5"> 
                   <p><font size="2" face="monaco">               
                   <th> Server </th> <th> Date </th> <th> Process </th> <th> Count </th> <th> Text </th> </tr>'    
      SET @xml = CAST(
               (SELECT   [ServerName]                   AS 'td',''
                       , CONVERT(CHAR(30),[LogDate],21) AS 'td',''
                       , [Processinfo]                  AS 'td',''
                       , [Count]                        AS 'td',''
                       , [Text]                         AS 'td','' 
                FROM     dbo.SQLErrorlog 
                WHERE    CHARINDEX('Login failed for user', [text]) = 0     -- no regular failed login warnings
                ORDER BY [ServerName], [Count] DESC, [LogDate] DESC
                FOR XML PATH('tr'), ELEMENTS) 
                AS NVARCHAR(MAX))
      SET @body = @body + @xml +'</table></body></html>'
      EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail              -- Send email 
           @profile_name = @profile_name
         , @recipients   = @recipients
         , @subject      = @subj
         , @body         = @body
         , @body_format  ='HTML'

    Listing 6

You are now ready to run a first check. As a test, from a query window, issue the commands below:

USE MonitorDB
EXEC [Retrieve_LinkedServer_ErrorLog]

The message ‘Command completed successfully’ should appear. You have now captured the error log info of your monitor server.

Next, try one of your linked servers. From your monitor server, issue the same command but add a server name, e.g. ‘ServerA’:

EXEC [Retrieve_LinkedServer_ErrorLog] 'ServerA'

(If you use a Windows login and run into error 18456: ‘Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON’’, you can either try to fix the related SPN and/or ‘double hop’ problem or use a SQL login with sufficient privileges on all servers to avoid any Kerberos problems).

If this is successful, the error log records of both servers have been collected on the monitor server. Now, remove the records you do not want to show up:

EXEC Cleanup_Errorlog_Holding_Table

Finally, send the mail:

EXEC [Mail_SQLErrorlog]
   @recipients = '<email adress>' ,
   @profile_name = '<your sql mail profile>'

Unless the filter has removed all messages you should now see ‘Mail queued’.

Please note that failed logins are not included in the mail. This is because in our company we report on these separately, in a modified format including a column for source IP address. If you do want failed logins included in the mail, simply remove the two occurrences of the ‘where’ statement from the code: WHERE CHARINDEX('Login failed for user', [text]) = 0

To separately report on failed logins, you can use this procedure:

USE [MonitorDB]
CREATE PROC [dbo].[Mail_Failed_Logins]
      @recipients   VARCHAR(MAX) = 'someone@company.com'
    , @profile_name SYSNAME      = '<your_mail_profile>'
/* Script to mail failed login attempts recorded in SQL Error Logs, after collection in a holding table on the monitor server.
   This script should be run after retrieval of linked server error logs (procedure 'Retrieve_LinkedServer_ErrorLog') 
   and removal of trivial messages (procedure 'Cleanup_Errorlog_Holding_Table')
   Messages other than failed login attempts are excluded; these are mailed by a separate procedure ('Mail_SQLErrorlog').
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.SQLErrorlog WHERE  CHARINDEX('Login failed for user', [Text]) > 0)
  DECLARE  @subj  VARCHAR(200)
         , @body  NVARCHAR(MAX)
         , @xml   NVARCHAR(MAX)
  SELECT   @subj = 'Failed SQL logins'
  SET      @body = '<html><body>
               <p><font size="2" face="monaco">
               (This mail was sent by the procedure ''' + DB_NAME() + '.' + OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME (@@PROCID) + '.' + OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID) + ''') <BR><BR>                              
               The table below contains SQL failed logins recorded during the past 24 hours.
               <H3>SQL Failed Logins</H3>
               <table border="1" cellpadding="5"> 
               <p><font size="2" face="monaco">
               <th> Server </th> <th> Date </th> <th> Login Name </th> <th> Count </th> <th> Client Name </th> <th> Extra Info </th> </tr>'
  SELECT  @xml = CAST( 
                (SELECT   LEFT([ServerName],25)                     AS 'td',''            -- Server
                        , CONVERT(CHAR(30),[LogDate],21)            AS 'td',''            -- Date
                        , CASE 
                            WHEN CHARINDEX('''''' , [Text]) > 0 
                            THEN ''
                            ELSE LEFT(SUBSTRING([Text], CHARINDEX('''' , [Text]) + 1, CHARINDEX('''', [Text], CHARINDEX('''' , [Text]) + 1) - CHARINDEX('''' , [Text]) - 1),30)
                          END                                       AS 'td',''            -- Login Name
                        , [COUNT]                                   AS 'td',''            -- Count
                        , LEFT(SUBSTRING([Text], CHARINDEX('[CLIENT', [Text]) + 9, CHARINDEX(']', [Text]) - CHARINDEX('[CLIENT', [Text]) - 9),17)
                                                                    AS 'td',''            -- Client Name
                        , CASE 
                            WHEN CHARINDEX('''. [',[Text]) = 0
                              -- print extra info if any is found between user name (terminated by single quote, full stop and space) and CLIENT info (starting with left square bracket
                            THEN LEFT(SUBSTRING([Text], CHARINDEX('''. ',[Text]) + 3, CHARINDEX('. [',[Text]) - CHARINDEX('''. ',[Text]) - 1),100)
                              -- print the info between the user name and client IP address
                            ELSE '' 
                          END                                       AS 'td',''            -- Extra Info
                 FROM   dbo.SQLErrorlog 
                 WHERE  CHARINDEX('Login failed for user', [Text]) > 0
                 ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 5
                 FOR XML PATH('tr'), ELEMENTS ) 
                 AS NVARCHAR(MAX))
  SET @body = @body + @xml +'</table></body></html>'
  EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail              -- Send email
       @profile_name = @profile_name
     , @recipients   = @recipients
     , @subject      = @subj
     , @body         = @body
     , @body_format  ='HTML'

Listing 7

An example of its output:

How do you make the procedures in Listing 4 run against all your linked servers? You can either write a FOR loop, or use a wrapper procedure like this, which I use to run a bunch of other SP’s against the servers defined on my monitor server:

USE [MonitorDB]
CREATE PROC [dbo].[Check_Remote_Servers]
   @proc        SYSNAME
/* Execute a stored procedure against all linked servers defined on this server.
** Params: @proc        = name of stored procedure to be executed
** Example: EXEC Check_Remote_Servers @proc = 'Retrieve_LinkedServer_ErrorLog'
** This will execute the procedure 'Retrieve_LinkedServer_ErrorLog' against all linked servers
DECLARE   @server_name SYSNAME
        , @cmd         NVARCHAR(MAX) 
DECLARE   @linked_servers TABLE ([server_name] SYSNAME)
INSERT    @linked_servers
  SELECT  name 
  FROM    master.sys.servers 
SELECT   @server_name = MIN([server_name]) FROM @linked_servers
WHILE @server_name IS NOT NULL
    PRINT 'Starting proc ''' + @proc + ''' on server ''' + @server_name + ''''
    SET @cmd = 'EXEC [' + @proc + '] @Server_Name = [' + @server_name + '] ' 
    EXEC sp_executesql @cmd                   
    DELETE @linked_servers WHERE [server_name] = @server_name
    SELECT  @server_name = MIN([server_name]) FROM @linked_servers

Listing 8

If you have this in place, you can combine the commands in a SQL Agent job, to run each night from MonitorDB:

  -- empty holding table to allow for new content
  -- Collect remote error log entries
EXEC Check_Remote_Servers
  @proc = 'Retrieve_LinkedServer_ErrorLog'
  -- remove unwanted entries from holding table
EXEC Cleanup_Errorlog_Holding_Table
  -- mail error log records
EXEC [Mail_SQLErrorlog]
  @recipients = '<email adress>'
  , @profile_name = '<your sql mail profile>'
  -- mail failed logins 
EXEC [Mail_Failed_Logins]
  @recipients = '<email adress>'
  , @profile_name = '<your sql mail profile>'
Redgate SQL Monitor


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