SQLServerCentral Article

Introduction to MDX


This article is intended to get you started on Multi-Dimensional eXpressions,

the Microsoft OLAP query language. MDX allows you to do complex reports quickly

on Very Large Databases. We have reports that run on many millions of records

with over 20 fields in under a second! OLAP is a powerful technology.

OLAP is a way of looking at data that has been totaled up, but allowing any

report on that data you require. 

Suppose you were logging sales in SQL server, you could have a table [sales] which had [value], [customer], [product], [timeofsale], [salesrep], [store], [county] etc.  If you wanted to know how many sales each sales rep had made you might use:
select s.[salesrep], count (*) as 'total' from [sales] s group by s.[salesrep] 

If you had a lot of sales this report would take a long time.  Suppose you

wanted to report on something else at the same time?  You might want to

see a cross-tab report of [salesrep] by [product].  This is messy to

write in SQL as you have to use case statements for each value of whichever

field you want on the columns.

What we may need to do is build all these totals at a time of low load and then

make them easily accessible for reporting all the time.  This is what

analysis services does. In OLAP we would build a cube of this [sales] table.  We call them cubes

because they can be visualized as such for simpler reports.  As a cube can

have up to 128 dimensions however this metaphor quickly breaks down. 

Supposing that we only want to report on 3 fields ([timeofsale], [salesrep] and

[product]); we could think of all the reports you could want on those fields as

a cube. Each edge of the cube would have all the values of a field along it,

and each face would be a cross tab of two of the fields.

An introduction to the rest of the terminology may be useful at this point:

A dimension is one of the fields that you want to report on. Dimensions have a

tree structure, allowing complicated data to be reported on at different

levels. For instance [timeofsale] could be a dimension if you wanted to report

on it

What we are actually reporting on, be it sum, count or average.
A level is a step along a dimension. In [timeofsale] we could have [Year],

[Month], [Day] and [Hour] allowing us to report on sales per hour or products

year on year.

A member is a value of a level. In [timeofsale].[Year] we might have [2001],

[2002], [2003], or in [timeofsale].[Month] we have [March], [April], [May] etc

This is what you set to put [product] across the columns, [timeofsale] down the

rows or report on a [salesrep] to a page. An MDX statement can have up to 128

axis, although it is rare to use more than 2. The first 5 have names:

0 Columns

1 Rows

2 Pages

3 Chapters

4 Sections

This is an attribute of a collection of members or levels which describes what

dimensions they are from and what order those dimensions are in.

A tuple is a collection of members which all have different dimensionality

(so each is from a different dimension). Tuples have () brackets around them,

but don't need them when there is only one member. For instance

( [timeofsale].[Year].[2001], [product].[all products] )

A set is a collection of tuples which all have the same dimensionality

(so all have the same dimensions in the same order). Sets have {} brackets

around them, and always need them. For instance

{ ( [timeofsale].[Year].[2001], [product].[all products]

) , ( [timeofsale].[Year].[2002], [product].[all products] ) }

Functions can return Sets, Tupels, Members, Levels, Dimensions or values. We'll

come across some of the more useful ones later.

We may want to cross tab by two fields for some specific value of a third, for

instance [timeofsale] by [product] for a particular [salesrep].

When we picture the report as a cube we think of this filter as a slice into

the cube, to show the values on a new face.

So that's the lexicon done, now how do we use it? Well here is the structure of a


{set 0} on axis(0) , /* this would be a block comment */ 
{set 1} on axis(1) , // this is a line comment 
{set n} on axis(n) 
from [cube]
where (tupel) 

No axis or the where statement can share any of the same


So if we wanted a report of [product] on columns by [salesrep] on rows we would


{ ( [product].[productname].[product1] ) , 
  ( [product].[productname].[product2] ) } on columns ,
{ [salesrep].[repname]. members } on rows 
from [sales] 

Note that I've used on columns and on rows

rather than on axis(n) , because it is more clear.

On the columns I have a set with two tupels from the same dimension. The ()

brackets are not required in this case because each tupel contains just one

member. The {} are required.

The rows has a function . members , which returns a set

with all the member of that level it. As . members returns

a set we don't need the {} brackets but again I've put them in.

Here is another one:

{ [product].[productname].[product1] : [product].[productname].[product20] } on columns ,
{ [timeofsale].[Year].[2002]. children } on rows 
from [sales] 

In this example I've used a range to give me a set of all the products

inclusive between [product1] and [product20] on columns. On rows I've used

another function called . children to give me all the

months in [timeofsale].[Year].[2002]

. members works on a level to give all the members at

that level.

. children works on a member to give all the members

below it (assuming there are any).

Two more useful features before we look at slices:

non empty { [product].[productname]. members } on columns ,
{ { [timeofsale].[Year].[2002]. children } 
  { [salesrep].[repname]. members } } on rows 
from [sales] 

First of all the keyword non empty excludes any values

from that axis where no values are returned.

The * operator does a cross join between the two sets,

and works in a similar way to a cross join in sql. The final set will be made

up of every possible combination of the tuples in the two sets.

Now we will add a slice:

{ [product].[productname]. members } on columns ,
{ [timeofsale].[Year].[2002]. children } on rows 
from [sales]
where ( [salesrep].[repname].[Mr Sales Rep1] ) 

Note that the where criteria requires a tuple rather than a slice and that tuple

cannot contain any of the same dimensions as the sets on the axis

And to finish off this introduction a list of all the MDX functions along with a

brief summary of what they do. For more detail look them up in SQL Books Online

or MDSN:

Returns a set
AddCalculatedMembers Adds calculated members to a set.
AllMembers Returns a set containing all members of a specified dimension or level,

including calculated members.

Ancestors Returns all the ancestors of a member at a specified distance.
Ascendants Returns the set of the ascendants of the member, including the member itself.
Axis Returns the set associated with the main axis.
BottomCount Returns a specified number of items from the bottom of a set, optionally

ordering the set first.

BottomPercent Sorts a set and returns the bottom n elements whose cumulative total is at

least a specified percentage.

BottomSum Sorts a set and returns the bottom n elements whose cumulative total is at

least a specified value.

Children Returns the children of a member.
Correlation Returns the correlation of two series evaluated over a set.
Crossjoin Returns the cross product of two sets.
Descendants Returns the set of descendants of a member at a specified level or at a

specified distance from a member, optionally including or excluding descendants

in other levels.

Distinct Eliminates duplicate tuples from a set.
DistinctCount Returns the count of tuples in a set, excluding duplicate tuples.
DrilldownLevel Drills down the members of a set, at a specified level, to one level below.

Alternatively, drills down on a specified dimension in the set.

DrilldownLevelBottom Drills down the bottom n members of a set, at a specified level, to one level


DrilldownLevelTop Drills down the top n members of a set, at a specified level, to one level


DrilldownMember Drills down the members in a set that are present in a second specified set.
DrilldownMemberBottom Similar to DrilldownMember, except that it includes only the bottom n children.
DrilldownMemberTop Similar to DrilldownMember, except that it includes only the top n children.
DrillupLevel Drills up the members of a set that are below a specified level.
DrillupMember Drills up the members in a set that are present in a second specified set.
Except Finds the difference between two sets, optionally retaining duplicates.
Extract Returns a set of tuples from extracted dimension elements. The opposite of


Filter Returns the set resulting from filtering a set based on a search condition.
Generate Applies a set to each member of another set and joins the resulting sets by


Head Returns the first specified number of elements in a set.
Hierarchize Orders the members of a set in a hierarchy.
Intersect Returns the intersection of two input sets, optionally retaining duplicates.
LastPeriods Returns a set of members prior to and including a specified member.
Members Returns the set of all members in a dimension, hierarchy, or level.
Mtd A shortcut function for the PeriodsToDate function that specifies the level to

be Month.

NameToSet Returns a set containing a single member based on a string expression

containing a member name.

NonEmptyCrossjoin Returns the cross product of two or more sets, excluding empty members.
Order Arranges members of a set, optionally preserving or breaking the hierarchy.
ParallelPeriod Returns a member from a prior period in the same relative position as a

specified member.

PeriodsToDate Returns a set of periods (members) from a specified level starting with the

first period and ending with a specified member.

Qtd A shortcut function for the PeriodsToDate function that specifies the level to

be Quarter.

Siblings Returns the siblings of a member, including the member itself.
StripCalculatedMembers Removes calculated members from a set.
StrToSet Constructs a set from a string expression.
Subset Returns a subset of elements from a set.
Tail Returns a subset from the end of a set.
ToggleDrillState Toggles the drill state of members. This function is a combination of

DrillupMember and DrilldownMember.

TopCount Returns a specified number of items from the top of a set, optionally ordering

the set first.

TopPercent Sorts a set and returns the top n elements whose cumulative total is at least a

specified percentage.

TopSum Sorts a set and returns the top n elements whose cumulative total is at least a

specified value.

Union Returns the union of two sets, optionally retaining duplicates.
VisualTotals Dynamically totals child members specified in a set using a pattern for the

total label in the result set.

Wtd A shortcut function for the PeriodsToDate function that specifies the level to

be Week.

Ytd A shortcut function for the PeriodsToDate function that specifies the level to

be Year.

Returns a tupel
Current Returns the current tuple from a set during an iteration.
ItemItem Returns a member from a tuple or a tuple from a set.
StrToTuple Constructs a tuple from a string.
ValidMeasure Returns a valid measure in a virtual cube by forcing inapplicable dimensions to

their top level.

Returns a member
Ancestor Returns the ancestor of a member at a specified level or at a specified

distance from the member.

ClosingPeriod Returns the last sibling among the descendants of a member at a level.
Cousin Returns the member with the same relative position under a member as the member


CurrentMember Returns the current member along a dimension during an iteration.
DataMember Returns the system-generated data member associated with a nonleaf member.
DefaultMember Returns the default member of a dimension or hierarchy.
FirstChild Returns the first child of a member.
FirstSibling Returns the first child of the parent of a member.
Ignore Prevents further recursion along the dimension
Lag Returns a member prior to the specified member along the member's dimension.
LastChild Returns the last child of a member.
LastSibling Returns the last child of the parent of a member.
Lead Returns a member further along the specified member's dimension.
LinkMember Returns a hierarchized member.
Members Returns the member represented by the string expression
NextMember Returns the next member in the level that contains a specified member.
OpeningPeriod Returns the first sibling among the descendants of a member at a level.
Parent Returns the parent of a member.
PrevMember Returns the previous member in the level that contains a specified member.
StrToMember Returns a member based on a string expression.
Returns a value or something else
Aggregate Returns a calculated value using the appropriate aggregate function, based on

the context of the query.

Avg Returns the average value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.
CalculationCurrentPass Returns the current calculation pass of a cube for the current query context.
CalculationPassValueCalculationPassValue Returns the value of an MDX expression evaluated over the specified calculation

pass of a cube.

Call UDF (args) Executes the string expression containing a user-defined function.
CoalesceEmptyCoalesceEmpty Coalesces an empty cell value to a string or number.
Count Returns the number of dimensions in a cube, the number of levels in a

dimension, the number of cells in a set, or the number of dimensions in a


Covariance Returns the population covariance of two series evaluated over a set, using the

biased population formula.

CovarianceN Returns the sample covariance of two series evaluated over a set, using the

unbiased population formula.

Generate Evaluate a string expression for each member of a set
Iif Returns one of two numeric or string values determined by a logical test.
LinRegIntercept Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns the value of b in the

regression line y = ax + b.

LinRegPoint Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns the value of y in the

regression line y = ax + b.

LinRegR2 Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns R2 (the coefficient of


LinRegSlope Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns the value of a in the

regression line y = ax + b.

LinRegVariance Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns the variance associated

with the regression line y = ax + b.

LookupCubeLookupCube Returns the value of an MDX expression evaluated over another specified cube in

the same database.

Max Returns the maximum value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.
Median Returns the median value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.
MemberToStr Constructs a string from a member.
Min Returns the minimum value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.
Name Returns the name of a dimension, hierarchy, level, or member.
Ordinal Returns the zero-based ordinal value associated with a level.
Predict Evaluates the string expression within the data mining model specified within

the current coordinates.

Properties Returns a string containing a member property value.
Rank Returns the one-based rank of a tuple in a set.
RollupChildren Scans the children of the member parameter and applies the string expression

operator to their evaluated value.

SetToArray Converts one or more sets to an array for use in a user-defined function.
SetToStr Constructs a string from a set.
Stddev Alias for Stdev.
StddevP Alias for StdevP.
Stdev Returns the sample standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a

set, using the unbiased population formula.

StdevP Returns the population standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated

over a set, using the biased population formula.

StrToValueStrToValue Returns a value based on a string expression.
Sum Returns the sum of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.
TupleToStr Constructs a string from a tuple.
UniqueName Returns the unique name of a dimension, level, or member.
UserName Returns the domain name and user name of the current connection.
ValueValue Returns the value of a measure.
Var Returns the sample variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using

the unbiased population formula.

Variance Alias for Var.
VarianceP Alias for VarP.
VarP Returns the population variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set,

using the biased population formula.

A good place to go start trying the ideas in this article is the Foodmart

2000 database that comes as a sample when you install Analysis services.


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