SQLServerCentral Article

Tackle the Question of the Day on your cell phone


The Question of the Day has been an extremely popular part of SQLServerCentral for years. It is a great way for you to test your SQL Server knowledge, and learn some fact about SQL Server, T-SQL, or databases in general. We even have some fun quizzes for those holidays as well.

Recently SQLServerCentral developed a mobile version of the Question of the Day that should allow you to access our list of questions from any mobile browser. You can access the site at the address below:


It's a site that you'll want to bookmark and use when you have a few minutes to learn a few things about how SQL Server works.

We've tested this on iOS, Android, and BlackberryOS, and would like to get feedback from you on how it works on your mobile device, as well as general feedback on other features you might like to see available on your mobile devices. If you have issues or comments, please send them to the webmaster.


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