Marc Beacom

Marc Beacom – MCTS (BI, Dev), Principal Architect and Owner at DawaBI, has over 15 years of technical and business experience. DawaBI focuses on Making Data-Driven Decisions Possible by delivering user friendly and scalable data warehouse and business intelligence solutions. Marc is an active volunteer within the community and currently is co-organizer of the Colorado GiveCamp, served a year as a PASS Regional Mentor and served five years on the leadership board for the Denver and Colorado Springs SQL Server User Groups.


A New Word: Incidental Contact High


incidental contact high – n. an innocuous touch by someone just doing their job...

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Developer Q&A: John Kostak of Web Dev USA


"We can really be dangerous if we want, without being too afraid of it."

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7 sept, scheduled book

By philip.scott

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7 sept, schedlued article

By philip.scott

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6 sept, published book

By philip.scott

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Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 is built on ...?

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