Blog Post

Azure Platform Series “You have exceeded the maximum amount of scale changes within the past hour”


This blog post relates to where you might be doing scale operations of your app services or VMs in Azure and get the following error after doing quite a few scale up and down operations.

The exact error I received was:

Failed to update configuration for 'Api'. {"Code":"Conflict","Message":"You have exceeded the maximum amount of scale changes within the past hour(56 changes and limit is 40). Please retry later.","Target":null,"Details":[{"Message":"You have exceeded the maximum amount of scale changes within the past hour(56 changes and limit is 40). Please retry later."},{"Code":"Conflict"},{"ErrorEntity":{"ExtendedCode":"03024","MessageTemplate":"You have exceeded the maximum amount of scale changes within the past hour({0} changes and limit is {1}). Please retry later.","Parameters":["56","40"],"Code":"Conflict","Message":"You have exceeded the maximum amount of scale changes within the past hour(56 changes and limit is 40). Please retry later."}}],"Innererror":null}

Where I was scaling my app service plan called Api and went past some arbitrary limit.

It is hard to find the exact limits within Azure for app scale operations but by a process of elimination I have determined:

SKU Limit
Premium/PremiumV2/Isolated 40
Standard 20
Basic 15

Unfortunately there isn’t much we can do here – you just have to wait until your hour is up….

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