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Create failed for Availability Group

Ever since the release of Always On Availability Group (AG or HADR) in SQL Server 2012 the adoption ratio is increasing. A lots of my clients too are adopting this beautiful feature. About a month ago, one of my client’s friend was working on setting up Always On Availability Group, and he has encountered an error Create failed for Availability Group.

Since my client is using Always on Availability Group he only recommend his friend to try it. However, he has made a couple of failed attempt creating Always On Availability Group. Finally, it came to me. Here is the error he is receiving while he was setting up the feature, basically it was saying Create failed for Availability Group.

Create failed for Availability Group 'SQLAG'
Failed to obtain cluster information. Either the specified instance of SQL Server is not running 
on a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) node, or the user lacks sysadmin permissions on the SQL Server instance to obtain the cluster information. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.HadrTasks)
Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name 'SQLAG' and 
type 'SQL Server Availability Group'.  The resource type is not registered in the WSFC cluster.  
The WSFC cluster many have been destroyed and created again.  To register the resource type in the WSFC cluster, disable and then enable Always On in the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Failed to create availability group 'SQLAG'.  The operation encountered SQL Server error 41105 and has been rolled back.  Check the SQL Server error log for more details.  When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 41105)

I have saw this error multiple times by now so I know exactly how to resolve this error – Create failed for Availability Group. Here is how I fixed it. Please note, you need to repeat these steps on each node of the Always on Availability Group.

Here are the steps to fix

Step 1: Open SQL Server Configuration Manager

Step 2: Right click on SQL Server Service and choose properties

Step 3: Uncheck Enable Always On Availability Groups

Step 4: Restart SQL Server Service

Step 5: Right click on SQL Server Service and choose properties

Step 6: Check Enable Always On Availability Groups

Step 7: Restart SQL Server Service

Once these fixed is done I have asked my client’s friend to reattempt creating Always On Availability Group. And, in a few minutes he confirmed that he was able to create Always On Availability Group successfully.

About a week ago, I worked on Always On Availability Group issue where it was in resolving state and caused an outage. I was able to help client bringing up databases to read-write state. I will write an article on that in next week or two, stay tune. I am going to reproduce the error and create a video for my YouTube channel.

You can find such more interesting articles in category Administration and HADR.

The post Create failed for Availability Group appeared first on SQL Server Citation.

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