Blog Post

Daily Coping 20 Jun 2022


I started to add a daily coping tip to the SQLServerCentral newsletter and to the Community Circle, which is helping me deal with the issues in the world. I’m adding my responses for each day here. All my coping tips are under this tag.

Today’s tip is to look for a positive spin on a difficult situation.

I’ve got a few deadlines coming up at work. These are for some disparate projects, and they all require some effort and work. One is something I tackled, one is something I agreed to, and a couple are things that got thrust upon me.

This creates stress, as I still have my “normal” work as well as some travel.

It would be easy to get upset and angry, to get worried and increase my stress. What I’ve learned to do better is treat these are opportunities. I will get a few things done, learn a few more, and push off some other items do deal with these 3 things.

I’m not always good at this, but when I can do this, everything is a little better. I still have some extra work, but my stress level is better when my attitude is more positive.

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