Blog Post

Denali – Day 12: More Manageability Features


Denali – Day 12: – More Manageability Features:

  1. -K switch

    With new feature added in an engine to use that feature with different way you may have to add options to use it, as HADRon – AlwaysON feature where secondary server is read-only and active, there is an option -K added in bcp.exe and sqlcmd.exe which can specifies this.


  1. Powershell Enhancement:

    As stated earlier now Powershell 2.0 is mandatory but need to install separately.

    Sqlps is default to load Powershell.

    Two new cmdlets: backup-sqldatabase and restore-sqldatabase.


  1. DTA Enhancement:

    Now you can specify Query Plan Cache in DTA with that we do not need to have a workload for suggestion, DTA will automatically check last 1000 events(can be changes using –n option).


  2. Support of Server Message Block

    So far Windows supports Drive letters are limited to 23 so SMB enhance that way you could increase it.


  3. Management Studio Shortcuts:

    New management studio several shortcuts and some of the shortcuts has changed.

    For more detailed:


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