Blog Post

Denali — Day 8: Startup Parameter


Denali – Day 8: Startup Parameter

Startup Parameters means you are providing the parameter to sql server at the start of sql server, what needs to assign internally, by default you must have to provide following 3 parameters

-d: Specify the location of “Master” database data file.

-l: Specify the location of “Master” database log file.

e: Specify the location of “ErrorLog” file generation location.

These are required parameter by sql server, now apart from this you could also provide different other parameters (optional) depending upon your need and for troubleshooting. At the end of this blog I have provided a link which has all other Startup parameters and its usage.

You can also enable the Trace Flag and can be provided –T parameter for it.

Ok, before Denali, setting the startup parameter was a tuff task where you mistakenly gives wrong Trace or difficult to understand what all parameter has been provide at startup because it was on a single string. Now with Denali setting up startup parameter would be very easy as now “startup parameter” is a separate tab in configuration manager where you can provide it easily

This way you have two push Button’s “Add” and “Removed” where you can add specific parameter and remove it easily, instead of checking it on a string.


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