Blog Post

ETL #73–NULL or NOT NULL and SQL Interview Questions


Today is the day after Thanksgiving. There are many things to be thankful so I decided to write a short post today.

The first thing to be thankful is that Tomislav and I have completed the third edition of our MDX book, MDX with Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services Cookbook. The book is published by Packt Publishing and has been uploaded to all the major publishing channels.  

Recommend SQL interview questions on

The second thing to be thankful is the enthusiastic audience who have been faithfully reading my posts. I recently received two inquires, which are somehow related. One reader was a bit confused by what I said about the SQL NULL values and what I said about being careful of what we put in the WHERE clause. Another reader is from, a new online learning platform. offers a number of free online resources to help people learn business skills — such as SQL. They are wondering if I’d be willing to post a link to their page on SQL interview questions ( on my site.

As I am browsing through the SQL interview questions on, I see the #3 question, “Why is this query not returning the expected results?”, and thought this is perfect for the question from the reader I mentioned previously. Instead of overwhelming readers, listed only 7 most common SQL interview questions.

I’d rather not to repeat what they have and would recommend their SQL interview questions to those of you who are still new to SQL or Business Intelligence.

MDX Cook book third edition

The full title of the book is MDX with Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services Cookbook. By the time you see this post, the book should be on Amazon,, and all other online technology book stores and the e-subscription sites.

See also

ETL #72–Your data can mysteriously disappear after a WHERE clause was added (2)

ETL #71–Your data can mysteriously disappear after a WHERE clause was added (1)


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