Blog Post

From Manual to DevOps at the Data Community Summit


This year the annual PASS Data Community Summit is hybrid, both in-person and virtual. It’s exciting to have this coming back and I look forward to seeing people in Seattle if you can come.

You can register today and save with these codes:

  • $200 off the in-person, 3 day conference in Seattle: SJSUMMIT93
  • 50% off the virtual conference online: SJONLINE93

I’m doing a precon on the journey from a manual process to an automated DevOps one. So many customers I work with are dealing with these issues, trying to decide how to move from their existing process, whatever it is, to a more reliable, repeatable, automated one. With Grant and a few fellow Redgaters, we’ll be starting from nothing, as many of us do. Then every 30-ish minutes we’ll be deploying our code in whatever process we’ve built to that point.

Hopefully, this will be fully automated with a DevOps style flow by the end of the day (fingers crossed).

We’ll be using the Redgate Flyway Enterprise suite of products, talking about the concepts that are useful to help you build and deploy database code in a team.

Join us, or one of the other great pre-cons and I’ll see you in Seattle.

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