Blog Post

How to output from invoke-sqlcmd to Powershell variable


Sorry for another Powershell post but I’ve been doing a lot of it recently and coming up with (what i think are) a few nifty tricks.

One of the issues I encountered recently was with Kerberos delegation whilst trying to automate Log Shipping. What I was trying to do was use an OPENROWSET query to run against the Primary and Secondary servers in order to obtain the Primary_id and Secondary_id in order to pass to the script to be ran on the monitor server. However, seeing as the environment was not setup for Kerberos I encountered the “double-hop” issue.

Enabling Kerberos delegation for the service account would be too high a risk without thorough testing so wasn’t an option in this instance so I decided to look into using invoke-sqlcmd against each of the servers to get the IDs required and pass it to the monitor script.

So how did I go about doing this you ask, well its actually really simple. After a bit of googling I came across this blog by Allen White which gave me a starting block.

Firstly, you have to amend your TSQL script to SELECT the parameter you want to output and use within the rest of the script, something like this:

TSQL snippet to be ran against the Primary Server:

--Cut down version of the script for readability
EXEC @SP_Add_RetCode = master.dbo.sp_add_log_shipping_primary_database 
		@database = N'$(Database)' 
		,@primary_id = @LS_PrimaryId OUTPUT --This is what we want
		,@overwrite = 1 
		,@ignoreremotemonitor = 1 
--Need to output this in order for powershell to take it and use it in the monitor script
SELECT @LS_PrimaryId as LS_PrimaryId 

Do the same for the script to run on the secondary server but obviously for the secondary_id :)

So, now you’ve setup the TSQL side of things, you need to then call these from Powershell and assign the output parameter to a Powershell variable like so:

$script = "LogShip_Primary.sql"
$PrimaryID = Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile $ScriptLocation$script -Variable Database=$DatabaseName, etc etc etc -ServerInstance $PrimaryServer 
$script = "LogShip_Secondary.sql" 
$SecondaryID = Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile $ScriptLocation$script -Variable Database=$DatabaseName, etc etc etc -ServerInstance $SecondaryServer

So, relatively simple. Basically your setting the output to a Powershell variable. keeping things tidy, re-assign it to another variable and something to note is that the output is actually a DataTable object. Make sure you use the name of the alias you used in your last TSQL statement.

$PID = $PrimaryID.LS_PrimaryId
$SID = $SecondaryID.LS_SecondaryId 

Once this is done then you can use this in your script to run against the monitor server

$script = "LogShip_Monitor.sql" 
Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile $ScriptLocation$script -Variable Database=$DatabaseName, etc etc etc, PrimaryID=$PID, SecondaryID=$SID -ServerInstance $MonitorServer

And there you have it, nice n simple! All you then have to do is wrap it in a foreach loop for the databases you want to setup and a nice and simple automated logshipping build script.

Obviously I’ve omitted a lot of the setup / checking of scripts etc from this post as I don’t want to be doing all the work for you!

Enjoy :)


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