Blog Post

I Won't Be at SQL Rally


I am excited about the SQL Rally event that's coming up next week. However, I won't be there. I've been asked several times, so I figured a simple blog post for those reading my blog (or the SSC blogs) would serve as a simple notification. I have ministry commitments that week and the following weekend as a youth pastor and Awana commander and naturally those take priority.

While I'd love to be at the SQL Rally, the events going on ministry-wise are exciting, too. We're wrapping our Awana year and we've had a ton of kids work really hard. We're celebrating that hard work and there's nothing like seeing a child's face light up when you call their name and give them their award in front of friends and family. The second major event is a fund-raiser for our youth to pay the costs for their attendance at the missions camp we go to annually. This is truly a missions camp. The youth will be doing works of service every day throughout the Clinton, SC, and surrounding area. It's pretty awesome to see them pour their hearts into helping others because they are doing things like leading Vacation Bible School (VBS), running a soccer camp (what I'm leading), repairing houses, working with the elderly, etc. Needless to say, I'm really looking forward to next week and these events.


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