Blog Post

Ich werde Deutschland beriesen


Guten Tag!

OK, switching back to English for the rest of this.

I’m going to be spending a few weeks in Germany on a private tour, no work. That means that, no, I’m very sorry, I can’t speak at your user group, even though I’d love to. Next time.

However, I wanted to let you know when and where I’ll be over there. I’d love the chance to meet with friends. I know I owe several of you a beverage. This is a chance to pay it back. Here’s where I’ll be and when:

9/12: Frankfurt Airport (we’ll be in late, glad to meet for a drink at the hotel)

9/13 – 9/15: Amsterdam (yeah, not Germany, Mrs. Scary requested this)

9/15 – 9/16: Off the radar, visiting my German son (an exchange student, don’t get excited)

9/16/ – 9/21: Berlin

9/21/ – 9/24: Nuremburg

9/24 – 9/25: Stuttgart

9/25 – 9/28: Munich (OKTOBERFEST! I’ve heard it’s not open at 8AM this year. Very disappointed)

9/28 – 9/30: Mainz

I can’t promise we’ll connect, but I’d sure like to try. Come help me in my quest to learn to speak German.

The post Ich werde Deutschland beriesen appeared first on Grant Fritchey.


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