Blog Post

It's Just Another Manic SUNDAY - OT


Warning, this is just a non-technical anecdotal blog of a silly time-warp incident that happened to me yesterday.  Thought it was kind of funny, so wanted to share. 

Did this ever happen to you?  No, the title isn’t a mistake; it’s a parody on the title of the hit song in the 80’s by The BanglesIt’s Just another manic Monday.  So, now that is really is Monday, how could this happen?  It couldn’t be wishful thinking that the beginning of the work/school week is already here.  I like to sleep late on weekends, as much as the next person!  I must also disclose, I am not on any foreign substances, and wasn’t drinking the night before.

Here’s what happened.  I suddenly awoke and see its 6:11 am.  I look at my iPhone and figure cool; I can sleep another 20 minutes.  I set my alarm weekdays at 6:31am.  I usually get up straight away – alarm or not.  The alarm is just in case I snooze or was up late the night before working on something.  So, being I thought it is Monday morning, the weekend seemed a bit short, (but don’t they all?), I hit the sack for a quick power-snooze.  7:00am, I open my eyes again.  !@#$+!* It’s late!  I rub my eyes, checking the phone alarm usual settings, why the alarm didn’t go off?  Volume –loud.  AM not PM. Enabled – check! Weekdays (get a clue Pearl!) –check!  That’s should have set me straight, but I was determined to get up to work, and the kids to school!  Poor kids J 

So, turn on the radio, and WTF!?  My usual weekday morning program is not airing, and I’m thinking, damn another good show cancelled!  I’m hearing some infomercial about vita-health liquid vitamins.  Clue#2!  But, the fog apparently hasn’t lifted.

“Hey, wifey!  Get up!  Kids come on, you’re late for school.”  I’m already showered and shaved, rushing like a lunatic to make the train into a client.  Imagine I continued on that path!  I would have been complaining the trains are running like on weekend schedule! Duh.

That would explain why my wife was going “Shhhh” let the kids sleep.  I was thinking “Ha, what does she think it is, Sunday?”

My daughter is up already, and I’m rushing her in the bathroom to brush her teeth. Not knowing her old man lost his mind, she’s playing along pretending it’s school time.  “Come on sweety, brush your teeth – chop, chop” (Well, I don’t really say chop, chop).  Anyway, when she sees me serious, she’s laughing at me.  I’m like what’s so funny here?  “Daddy, today is SUNday!”  “Stop pulling my chain, come on get ready!”  “Dad, it really, really is Sunday”.   “No it’s not!” Checking my iPhone calendar.  FACEPALM!  BIG SLAP!  Well, it says Sunday.  Who did that? 

Ok, I realized I was like in a Truman Show setting, or some divine power playing a joke on me at my expense.  Maybe my crafty wise-guy son changed my iPhone settings, just like Rodrick did to Greg in Wimpy Kids II, where he makes his little brother think it’s time to get up for school – in the middle of the night! Ha! No worries, fortunately I didn’t make it out the door!  Back to bed for another hour or so of sleep.  As you were!  It’s just another manic Sunday, glad it’s not Monday.

The reason I thought I’d share this is I’m pretty sure I’m not the first this happened to.  This is the first time I was kind of clueless for this long.  Anyway, if this or something similar has happened to you, please do share in the comments.  Carry on!  Happy Monday! Have a great week.

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