Blog Post

MDX Puzzle #7


I have presented you with a couple of easy puzzles in the last few posts.  So, let's step it up a little with one that is a little more challenging.  I have to be honest, this puzzle was sent to me by one of my co-workers at Pragmatic Works.  Here are the requirements:

Columns:  Reseller Sales Amount and using the Source Currency Code add a column to the result that displays US if the currency code is USD and International for all other currency codes.

Rows:  Country and State-Province

Filters:  None

Hint:  You may need to use a CASE statement or the IIF function.

Your results should show Reseller Sales Amount by Country and State-Province.  An additional column will also be included that displays the currency type.  Be careful when designing your tuple for the rows.  You may notice that I have intentionally omitted one small nugget of information in the requirements.  Your results should resemble the following:


Notice the additional column that corresponds to the currency code.  Remember, don't post your solution here.  Save them for my solution post.  I will post it along with the steps that was taken to solve this puzzle in a couple of days. 

Don’t forget to check back in a couple days for the solution.

Talk to you soon,

Patrick LeBlanc, SQL Server MVP, MCTS

Founder and


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