Plan Vs Reality Diagram Rookie of the year 2018


You need a lot of hard work for success!

2018 was a good year for me in a lot of areas of my life both personal and professional (the birth of my daughter, my MCSE certification and another MCSA as well, the start of the local PASS Local group, the growth and recognition of this blog, etc).

Also, since August 2018, I started writing technical posts for other sites, and one of them is This is one of the best SQL Server related sites on the world, it contains a lot of technical articles in a "tip" format where you can learn new things or how to fix an issue in your environments.

The new year 2019 has come and new opportunities to continue growing, to continue learning and improve your career. I also have started this year with good news, last week I was awarded "Rookie of the year 2018" by MSSQLTips. This award is won by community, peer and site leaders votes, so I am very honored that many people have voted for me, this is a great honor and a big responsibility at the same time, I cannot put my guard down, so many people have been giving me their vote so I have to continue with the hard work learning and providing high-quality content, not just on that site, but all the sites I write.

I hope to continue writing and be able to be nominated for author of the year 2019, as some of you know, the most difficult part of writing is to find good topics to write about, but I want to focus on things I have difficulties when I started working with SQL Server, so new people starting with databases can have more handy and easy to follow material to get started.

I also want to congratulate my friends Pablo Echeverria and Alejandro Cobar for being also nominated on the site, we have a lot of potential here in Guatemala.

If you are interested, you can see the award here:

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