Blog Post

Parsing Glenn Berry’s Diagnostic Information Queries With PowerShell


Do It In Bulk

I usually don’t run queries on just one server. Most of the time I need to get some piece of information from dozens if not hundreds of servers at a time. I also really like Glenn’s diagnostic queries and use them regularly with some modifications and additions of my own. I’m also really digging PowerShell too.

You Got Your Queries In My PowerShell

PowerShell is a very powerful way to gather information across lots of servers. I’ve got a set of templating files that drive my PowerShell scripts and thought I’d apply some of that to Glenn’s queries. The result is a function that takes a the file name of Glenn’s queries and outputs just the server level or the database level queries as an array that you can then loop through to query any number of servers or databases! It currently works with all three sets of files.

Parse Glenn  Berry's DMV Diagnostic Queries into arrays
Does what it says so you can then loop through the array and execute the queries against a server ro database!
FileName the name of the file you wish to process
QueryType ether server level or database level queries
parseGABDMV '<path to sql file>\SQL Server 2005 Diagnostic Information Queries(December 2012).sql' server
function parseGBDMV{
		DefaultParameterSetName = '',
		ConfirmImpact = "low"
			Mandatory = $True,
			Position = 0,
			ParameterSetName = '',
			ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
			Mandatory = $True,
			Position = 1,
			ParameterSetName = '',
			ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
	Begin {
		$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
		$found = $false
		$endquery = $false
		$startDatabaseQueries = $false
		$ServerQueries = @()
		$DatabaseQueries = @()
		$Query = "";
	Process {
		Get-Content $File | foreach-Object {
			$_ = $_ -replace '\r\n$', "" #strip out empty lines
			$_ = $_ -replace '\t+', ""
			if ($_.Length -ne 0){
				if ($_.trim() -ne ""){
					if ($_.trim() -ne "`t"){
						$String = $_.toString();
						$String = ""
					$String = ""
				$String = ""
			if($found) {
				if($String -notlike "--*"){
					if($String.Trim() -ne ""){
						if($String.Length -ne 0){
							$Query += $String + "`r`n"
			if($String -like "--*"){
				if($String -cmatch '\(Query'){
					$found = $true
					$endquery = $true
					$Query = $Query -replace '\r\n$', ""
					if ($String.trim() -ne ""){
						if ($startDatabaseQueries){
							if (!$Query.Contains("USE YourDatabaseName")){
								$DatabaseQueries += $Query
							$ServerQueries += $Query
					$Query = ""
			if ($endqery) {
				$found = $false
			if ($String -ne $null){
				if ($String.Contains("-- Database specific queries")){
					$startDatabaseQueries = $true
				if ($String.Contains("-- Switch to user database *******************")){
					$startDatabaseQueries = $true
		#dunno why always have a blank line on the first server query list
		$ServerQueries = $ServerQueries[1 .. ($ServerQueries.count-1)]
		if ($QueryType.ToUpper() -eq "SERVER"){
			return $ServerQueries
		if ($QueryType.ToUpper() -eq "DATABASE"){
			return $DatabaseQueries

It may not be the cleanest PowerShell file parser on the planet but it seems to work and speed really isn’t an issue since the files are so small.


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