Blog Post

PASS SQL Saturday in Parma


This year, 22 November, PASS SQL Saturday will come to Parma, my birth town. I’m proud to be the organizer of that event.
Our community,, will be there and you can meet some of us ??

As you can see in the homepage, the venue will be the University Campus.
A special thanks goes to prof. Stefano Cagnoni, of the Department of Information Engineering, who assisted me in these last months.
Great thanks to Karla Landrum, from PASS.
Again, a thanks goes to UGISS and to my friends MarcoDavide and Danilo.
Michael and I are working on final details, but we’re near to the end.
What will be the content of the sessions?
SQL Server, for sure!
We will speak about new features available on SQL Server 2014 (like in-memory OLTP), third party tools (like red-gate and ApexSQL tools), team work, database unit testing, Visual Studio, Entity Framework, Troubleshooting, Tuning, Temporal Queries and so on, in order to cover the most part of daily troubles/missions of a dev/DBA.
The event is TOTALLY FREE of charge. This is another reason to attend.
Call for Speakers is open now. Do you want to speak?
Do you want to become a SPONSOR? Read more on sponsorship plan page.
We’re still working on the agenda, so, keep visiting this page. You can build your own schedule when the sessions are ready.
If you plan to attend, register now, it’s free!
Stay Tuned! 


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