Vinay Thakur

Blog Post

AI World

this month is the big month and a month to remember their are so many announcements has been done in this month – May -2024 . As this is...


Blog Post

SQL Server 2022

yes SQL Server 2022 is coming and would have many advance features. whats new in SQL Server 2022 would be know more here: Bob Ward would be...


167 reads

Blog Post

Azure Arc

Azure arc is another great stuff coming with Microsoft Azure, as we were expecting Azure cloud Microsoft has great DevOps options and nice for everyone. Azure has multiple subscribtion...


21 reads

Blog Post

SKLearn – Python

4 Steps: Import Class: or from sklearn.linear model import logistic regression instantiate / estimates or logreg=logistic regression Fit model with data [ Model Training ],y) Predict response: logreg.predict(x)


19 reads

Blog Post

ML Models

In this series I would be talking mostly about Python and R, we would understand the different ML model supported in Python. Python is a great open source language...


9 reads

Blog Post


June/July 2019 Microsoft – powershell is providing another great feature with SMO and SQL Server module as SQL Assessment. This is a great feature where Microsoft- SQL Server is...


70 reads

Blog Post

Next Powershell 6+ (CORE) and 7

Powershell is no longer been installed or delivered with windows bundle after 5.x and new powershell would be independent of windows/operating system. powershell would be a separate system /world...


51 reads

Blog Post

Cursor Dynamic SQL

Today was working on SQL Server cursor standard cursor deification would be like this: sqlcursor from (Azure Data Studio) ———————————————————————————————————————– — Declare a cursor for a Table or a View ‘TableOrViewName’ in schema ‘dbo’ DECLARE @ColumnName1 NVARCHAR(50), @ColumnName2 NVARCHAR(50) DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM dbo.TableOrViewName OPEN db_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @ColumnName1, @ColumnName2 WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0...


316 reads


Set a Runtime Variable in an Azure DevOps Pipeline


Note: I DO NOT recommend this. Any changes to a pipeline should be in...

A New Word: Symptomania


symptomania – n. the fantasy that there’s some elaborate diagnosis out there that neatly...

Query Store Keeps Switching Itself Off, Getting it Moving Again


I recently received a complaint that Query Store for a particular database was turned...

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7 sept, scheduled book

By philip.scott

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7 sept, schedlued article

By philip.scott

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6 sept, published book

By philip.scott

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Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 is built on ...?

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