Blog Post

Speaking at SQL Saturday #354 – Charleston, SC


If you’re looking to warm up for the winter, come on down to Charleston, SC, on December 13, 2014. Charleston will be hosting its second SQL Saturday. Why Charleston?

And, oh yeah, SQL Saturday! But outside of SQL Saturday, here’s a great link to see all the places to hit and see in Charleston.

As for me, I’ll be giving a security talk:

What You Absolutely Must Know about SQL Server Security

There are so many security tips out there for SQL Server. Almost all of them are rated as a best practice.What do you listen to? What do you focus on? In this session we’ll break down what you absolutely must know about securing SQL Server. We’ll look at the things to look for within SQL Server, including some of the nooks and crannies an attacker might use but what are rarely audited. You’ll leave with a checklist of what to investigate and a set of scripts to run on your own systems.


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