Blog Post

Speaking at the 2011 Carolina Technology Conference


On Tuesday, October 18, 2011, I will be speaking at the Carolina Technology Conference in Columbia, SC. I'm scheduled for the 3:30-4:20 PM slot, meaning about a 40-45 minute presentation on database security. While I will focus primarily on Microsoft SQL Server security, I will approach database and data security from an overall environment perspective, from physical access to the network to the operating system. I believe that as systems become increasingly complex, we must look at the additional layers for potential vulnerabilities which could result in a data breach.

If you have the ability to attend, it's only $7 for a full day conference pass, free if you're a student. Therefore, you get a great deal because lunch is included in that amount. Speakers include those from Microsoft, Google, SecureWorks, and local institutions. It should be a good one day conference and I'm looking forward to attending and speaking there.



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