Blog Post

SQL Saturday #21 Orlando – Recap


This past weekend I had the pleasure of not only attending, but speaking at SQL Saturday in Orlando, FL.  When I arrived in Orlando on Friday I drove over to the SQL Share office and met Andy Warren and Jack Corbett.  Two great guys.  When I arrived at the office Buck Woody was giving a training session on Performance Tuning.  I spent most of the afternoon with Andy and Jack having lunch and picking up a few items for the event.  We discussed many topics, including the recent Board of Directors election, which I will leave for another blog posting.

I left Andy and Jack around 4:30 pm and decided to go and check in and answer a few emails before the speaker event.  The hotel was nice and centrally located to each event location, but about 36 miles from the airport.  When I arrived at the speaker event many of the speakers were already there.  I am not going to try and name each speaker, but Andy and Jack had a great list that included MVPs, book authors and columnists.  I had a chance to meet all the speakers and have some very interesting conversations throughout the evening.  After a long evening of talk I decided to call it a night.

The next morning I arrived at the event around 7:45AM.  There were several people already in line.  My session was not until 4pm, therefore I had time to do a lot of networking and attend other sessions.  I attended Brian Knights sessions on SSAS and MDX.  Both sessions provided me with some good information to get started building my own cubes and writing some MDX.  I also had an opportunity to spend about an hour chatting with Joe Celko, details of that conversation is forthcoming.  I also attended a session on Partitioning given by Elijah Baker, which was one of the best partitioning sessions that I have ever attended.  He has a new take on partitioning, at least new to me, that he is writing a white paper on. 

I started my session promptly at 4pm.  My turnout was very low, but the talk went on.  This was my second time presenting this topic, Using the CLR to Monitor Disk Space.  The attendees all seemed intrigued by the concept.  In this session I provide the attendees scripts, which include CLR Functions, that will allow them to proactively monitor Disk space from a central location.  If a drive on the server is running low on disk space an email notification will be sent to the DBA.  If you would like a copy of the scripts and the slides please email me at

Overall the event was one of the best that I have attended.  My only criticism is that a few of the speakers went over on their time.  Everything else was great. 

Thanks Andy and Jack

Talk to you soon

Patrick LeBlanc, founder and

SQL Down South


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