Blog Post

SQL Saturday Boston 2024 Plans


I was accepted to speak at SQL Saturday Boston 2024, which is taking place on October 5, 2024. One month away. This is a fun event that takes place in Burlington, MA, just north of Boston. I’ve been there twice now and I’m honored and excited to go back.

There is also a pre-con. Bob Ward is teaching an all day session on Friday, October 4th that is a Cloud Workshop for the SQL Professional. Check out the description and register today.

Definitely come on Saturday. I have a new session that I’m working on to help you balance life and career, but there will be a bunch of other great talks. Each year I go there, I find a few interesting things to see and this year is no different. Check out the schedule and I’m sure you’ll agree.

So click on over to and register for this SQL Saturday and I’ll see you next month.

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