Blog Post

Updating dbatools–Fixing the Certificate Failure


I was trying to update my dbatools install to test something and go this error.

2024-06-27 13_23_12-C__Users_Steve (Admin)

I fixed it with a little help.

The Fix

The short answer from Chrissy LeMaire is to run this:

install-module dbatools  -Force –SkipPublisherCheck

That worked.

2024-06-27 13_35_36-C__Users_Steve (Admin)


Chrissy explained this, but essentially it’s a certificate approval thing. Certificates work by verifying each other in a chain. One cert checks another, which checks another, etc.

In this case, Microsoft changed some things and while the dbatools goes through some of these things, the update-module is doing extra checks. Supposedly MS will fix this.

In any case, if you need an update, you need to bypass things for now.

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