Blog Post

We’re All Mad Here!


We're All Mad Here The title says it all!

I just heard that I was selected to present at SQL Saturday in Columbus! I’m excited to be going back, and add another tick mark to the list of events we have been to. In reviewing recent and upcoming events though, I have come to realize “We’re All Mad Here”!

As many of you hopefully know, I have a SQL Server Boot Camp coming up in a couple of months that I have been working on putting together for a bit. Now, I will admit that there has not been a mad rush to sign up (even with 25% off pricing that end on 5/16/2014! Hurry now to join in!) and it has resulted in my slowing down some on getting the materials put together. It will be done on time though, but I may disappear for a couple of weeks while I get things caught up.

But fear not! I will not be completely gone. I may not be online much, but you will be able to see & hear me and make sure I am getting things done at this huge list of upcoming events:

5/9/2014 - SQL Saturday Houston

5/14/2014 – Webinar – PASS DBA Virtual Chapter Meeting

5/21/2014 – Webinar – Optimizing Protected Indexes

6/7/2014 – SQL Saturday Philadelphia

6/12/2014 – PASSDC Chapter meeting

6/14/2014 – SQL Saturday Columbus

6/21/2014 – SQL Saturday Louisville

7/17/2014 – Richmond PASS UG Meeting

7/21-7/24/2014 – WaterOx’s SQL Server Boot Camp DBA Level 1

Ok, so now you see why I just went into a mad panic mode. This is just a list of the events I will be presenting at until my Boot Camp fires up.

It isn’t even including any existing client activity, nor the potential activity of some new clients I am working on.

But, you know what?

It’s okay.

The advantage of being mad and having a schedule like this, is the big-ass Cheshire cat grin.

It is big enough that whatever you bite off isn’t too much to chew.


The post We’re All Mad Here! appeared first on WaterOx Consulting, Inc.


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