SQLServerCentral Editorial

A DBA at the Opera

It's Friday afternoon, and the lead DBA, a very talented guy, is getting ready to head out for two well-earned weeks of vacation, with his family, when this error message pops up in his inbox:

Msg 211, Level 23, State 51, Line 1. Possible schema corruption. Run DBCC CHECKCATALOG.

His heart sinks. It's ten…no eight…minutes till it's time to walk out the door. He glances around at his coworkers, competent to handle many problems, but probably not up to the challenge of fixing possible database corruption. What does he do? After a few agonizing moments of indecision, he clicks shut his laptop. He'll just wait and see. It was unlikely to come to anything; after all, it did say "possible" schema corruption, not definite.

In that moment, his fate was sealed. The start of the solution to the problem (run DBCC CHECKCATALOG) had been right there in the error message. Had he done this, or at least took two of those eight minutes to delegate the task to a coworker, then he wouldn't have ended up spending two-thirds of an idyllic vacation (for the rest of the family, at least) dealing with a problem that got consistently worse as the weekend progressed until the entire system was down.

When I told this story to a friend of mine, an opera fan, he smiled and said it described the basic plotline of almost every opera or 'Greek Tragedy' ever written. The particular joy in opera, he told me, isn't the warbly voiced leading ladies, or the plump middle-aged romantic leads, or even the music. No, what packs the opera houses in Italy is the drama of characters who, by the very nature of their life-experiences and emotional baggage, make all sorts of bad choices when faced with ordinary decisions, and so move inexorably to their fate. The audience is gripped by the spectacle of exotic characters doomed by their inability to see the obvious.

I confess, my personal experience with opera is limited to Bugs Bunny in "What's Opera, Doc?" (Elmer Fudd is a great example of a bad decision maker, if ever one existed), but I was struck by my friend's analogy. If all the DBA cubicles were a stage, I think we would hear many similarly tragic tales, played out to music:

"Error handling? We write our code to never experience errors, so nah…"

"Backups failed today, but it's okay, we'll back up tomorrow (we'll back up tomorrow)"

And similarly, they would leave their audience gasping, not necessarily at the beauty of the music, or poetry of the lyrics, but at the inevitable, grisly fate of the protagonists.

If you choose not to use proper error handling, or if you choose to skip a backup because, hey, you haven't had a server crash in 10 years, then inevitably, in that moment you expected to be enjoying a vacation, or a football game, with your family and friends, you will instead be sitting in front of a computer screen, paying for your poor choices.

Tragedies are very much part of IT. Most of a DBA's day to day work has limited potential to wreak havoc; paperwork, timesheets, random anonymous threats to developers, routine maintenance and whatnot. However, just occasionally, you, as a DBA, will face one of those decisions that really matter, and which has the possibility to greatly affect your future and the future of your user's data. Make those decisions count, and you'll avoid the tragic fate of many an operatic hero or villain.

Louis Davidson (Guest Editor).


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