SQLServerCentral Editorial

Social Engineering Dangers


I heard about a social engineering contest at this year's DefCon hacker conference. The write-up said that every company targeted would have failed in a security audit, and these were some large companies, like Google, BP, Proctor and Gamble, Microsoft and more. It truly highlights the "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link" analogy being applied to companies, and I'm sure that the larger the company, the more weak links there are.

Security is a constant battle. It's hard to get right, and it's hard to get people to take is seriously. Most employees don't necessarily think that the information in a company is all that important. In fact, if you look at your databases, how much data in there do you think is really critical?

No matter how important most of the data is, I'm sure there are some things that you would view as definitely worth protecting. I would also bet that some of that data that is worth protecting is co-mingled with other, less important data. Whether it's in a database, on the filesystem, or somewhere else, often we have critical data mixed in with other data.

Which means that we ought to try to protect it all. We ought to be applying strong security, and educating users that disclosing anything about the company to someone they don't know, no matter how innocent the request, could lead to a breach of security.

We want to help others. We want to be seen as people that make the organization function more efficiently. We can do that within the constraints of good security practices. It just takes a little effort to build the habit to stick to security procedures.

Steve Jones

The Voice of the DBA Podcasts

Everyday Jones

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