• quote:

    oh, and one more thing - (this is classic) - put in a trigger on the table that will randomly show managers making updates to different manager's data - that'll keep 'em busy...

    d*mn right.

    You know, yesterday we closed an options position with a loss of ~6 million €.

    Call it an insurance for an insurance.

    EVERYBODY on that board of directors knew this, and agreed to the opening of that position!. However, from 6PM - 8PM we were asked question like

    'How could you do that'

    'If we only had known this before'

    'But you must have known markets going up'


    2 hours of sh*t !!!

    Today we sold a mutual fund at a gain of 0.5 million €.

    Guess what!

    CEO (aka the god himself) called and said 'well done' ????

    Stupid big-heads

    That being written down, I feel better. Sorry for being my valve !



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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