tracking updates on tables

  • I have a table of managers. They use a Cold Fusion front end to update other tables in my application.

    I want to track which manager made the last update on the other tables.

    I can't decide whether to capture the name of the manager or the ID of the manager. Name takes up more space, but the ID may be meaningless or difficult to track down after a manager is deleted or archived.

    Suggestions? Thanks

  • Hi cross,


    I have a table of managers. They use a Cold Fusion front end to update other tables in my application.

    I want to track which manager made the last update on the other tables.

    I can't decide whether to capture the name of the manager or the ID of the manager. Name takes up more space, but the ID may be meaningless or difficult to track down after a manager is deleted or archived.

    I would go for ID.

    Consider what could happen to a female manager once she got married, divorced. Name tracking could become more difficult than tracking down a number



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Don't see the problem here... If the Manager gets deleted, so would the ID, so there is no difference in it.

    I personnaly would go for :

    1. Track ID's using a trigger

    2. Make sure the ID is always unique, even if a manager gets deleted

    3. Create a 'history' manager table that is filled up using a trigger on the Manager table. This will always provide you with the necessary tracking information on managers.

  • Hi Noel,


    Don't see the problem here... If the Manager gets deleted, so would the ID, so there is no difference in it.

    there is a huge problem!!!

    First thing to do when dealing with managers is to give them some nicely colored PPT slides, you then might be able to keep them out of the production process. Having done that, you are able to get to real work



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Agree with NPeeters

    , sounds like an identity column will do the job.

  • npeeters has the right solution....HOWEVER, a5x03z1 has hit the nail on the head - and i might add to the recipe for success:

    along with the PPT slides, insure that the managers have 3-4 project planning docs to go over, a 5-day conference with catered food (most of them are fat, remember), and a few kinda-technical things for them to argue about, and you might just keep those fockers out of your hair for a good week or two...

    oh, and one more thing - (this is classic) - put in a trigger on the table that will randomly show managers making updates to different manager's data - that'll keep 'em busy...


  • quote:

    oh, and one more thing - (this is classic) - put in a trigger on the table that will randomly show managers making updates to different manager's data - that'll keep 'em busy...

    d*mn right.

    You know, yesterday we closed an options position with a loss of ~6 million €.

    Call it an insurance for an insurance.

    EVERYBODY on that board of directors knew this, and agreed to the opening of that position!. However, from 6PM - 8PM we were asked question like

    'How could you do that'

    'If we only had known this before'

    'But you must have known markets going up'


    2 hours of sh*t !!!

    Today we sold a mutual fund at a gain of 0.5 million €.

    Guess what!

    CEO (aka the god himself) called and said 'well done' ????

    Stupid big-heads

    That being written down, I feel better. Sorry for being my valve !



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

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