• Here is a sproc I wrote to handle a similar problem:

    /* This can execute dynamically generated SQL statements
    up to approx 156000 chars in length.

    Since you can't pass this as a variable the proc takes
    the table and fieldname of a text value to execute.

    A where statement can be included and should fully
    declare the table name. Try to keep this statement as
    simple as possible.

    This can also handle fields in #temp tables

    Author: Keith Henry (k_count at hotmail) */
    create proc executelargesql(@tablename sysname, @fieldname sysname, @where nvarchar(3000) = null) as
    declare @len int, @isql nvarchar(4000), @i int, @lsql nvarchar(4000)
    create table #isqlvars (dlen int, hold ntext) --#table created before sp_executesql will be visible inside it

    --first we need to get the length of the field we are dealing with
    if left(@tablename, 1) = '#' --we have a # table as source, look in temp db
    set @isql = 'declare @type sysname' + char(10) +
    'select @type = t.[name] from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects o inner join tempdb.dbo.syscolumns c on o.[id] = c.[id] inner join tempdb.dbo.systypes t on c.xtype = t.xtype where left(o.[name], len(''' + @tablename + ''')) = ''' + @tablename + ''' and c.[name] = ''' + @fieldname + '''' + char(10) +
    'insert #isqlvars (dlen,hold) select case @type when ''ntext'' then (datalength([' + @tablename + '].[' + @fieldname + '])/2) else datalength([' + @tablename + '].[' + @fieldname + ']) end,[' + @tablename + '].[' + @fieldname + '] from [' + @tablename + ']' + isnull(' where' + @where,'')
    set @isql = 'declare @type sysname' + char(10) +
    'select @type = t.[name] from dbo.sysobjects o inner join dbo.syscolumns c on o.[id] = c.[id] inner join dbo.systypes t on c.xtype = t.xtype where o.[name] = ''' + @tablename + ''' and c.[name] = ''' + @fieldname + '''' + char(10) +
    'insert #isqlvars (dlen,hold) select case @type when ''ntext'' then (datalength(dbo.[' + @tablename + '].[' + @fieldname + '])/2) else datalength(dbo.[' + @tablename + '].[' + @fieldname + ']) end,dbo.[' + @tablename + '].[' + @fieldname + '] from dbo.[' + @tablename + ']' + isnull(' where' + @where,'')

    exec sp_executesql @isql
    if @@error <> 0 or @@rowcount <> 1 goto doh

    select @isql = '', @i = 0, @lsql = null, @len = v.dlen from #isqlvars v

    while @i <= @len --this can loop up to 39 times before it becomes too big for sp_executesql to handle
    select @isql = @isql + char(10) +
    'declare @sql' + cast(@i as varchar) + ' nvarchar(4000)' + char(10) +
    'select @sql' + cast(@i as varchar) + ' = substring(hold,' + cast(@i as varchar) + ',4000) from #isqlvars',
    @lsql = isnull(@lsql + '+','') + '@sql' + cast(@i as varchar),
    @i = @i + 4000

    select @isql = @isql + char(10) + 'exec (' + @lsql + ')'

    exec sp_executesql @isql
    if @@error <> 0 goto doh

    goto done
    print 'An error has occured '
    print @isql
    select * from #isqlvars
    drop table #isqlvars

    Keith Henry

    Keith Henry

    According to everyone I know I "do something with computers?" for a living, so there you go.