Sp_Executesql ntext

  • I need to create and execute a dynamic sql statement that is larger then 4000 characters (nvarchar) and could easily grow past 8000 characters (varchar). The solution should be to create the statement in ntext. The question is, how to execute an ntext due to the fact that you can not declare and use a local variable for ntext, text, and image. Here is an example of what I have tried so far:

    declare @s1 ntext

    set @s1='select loanid from tblloancurrent'

    execute sp_executesql @s1


    create table #testnotes (text1 ntext)

    DECLARE @textptr binary(16)

    SELECT @textptr=TEXTPTR(text1)

    FROM #testnotes (UPDLOCK)

    updatetext #testnotes.text1 @textptr 0 0 'select loanid from tblloancurrent'

    select * from #testnotes

    sp_executesql N'select * from #testnotes'

  • Code adapted from BOL 2000, used to work in 6.5 with the 255 limit.

    DECLARE @SQLString1 VARCHAR(8000),
    @SQLString2 VARCHAR(8000)
    SET @SQLString1 = 'SELECT * FROM Periods WHERE Period_No = 35'
    SET @SQLString2 = ''
    EXEC (@SQLString1+@SQLString2)
  • Thanks for your help. Apparently sp_executesql will not allow the concatenation, unless you know a way.

  • Here is a sproc I wrote to handle a similar problem:

    /* This can execute dynamically generated SQL statements
    up to approx 156000 chars in length.

    Since you can't pass this as a variable the proc takes
    the table and fieldname of a text value to execute.

    A where statement can be included and should fully
    declare the table name. Try to keep this statement as
    simple as possible.

    This can also handle fields in #temp tables

    Author: Keith Henry (k_count at hotmail) */
    create proc executelargesql(@tablename sysname, @fieldname sysname, @where nvarchar(3000) = null) as
    declare @len int, @isql nvarchar(4000), @i int, @lsql nvarchar(4000)
    create table #isqlvars (dlen int, hold ntext) --#table created before sp_executesql will be visible inside it

    --first we need to get the length of the field we are dealing with
    if left(@tablename, 1) = '#' --we have a # table as source, look in temp db
    set @isql = 'declare @type sysname' + char(10) +
    'select @type = t.[name] from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects o inner join tempdb.dbo.syscolumns c on o.[id] = c.[id] inner join tempdb.dbo.systypes t on c.xtype = t.xtype where left(o.[name], len(''' + @tablename + ''')) = ''' + @tablename + ''' and c.[name] = ''' + @fieldname + '''' + char(10) +
    'insert #isqlvars (dlen,hold) select case @type when ''ntext'' then (datalength([' + @tablename + '].[' + @fieldname + '])/2) else datalength([' + @tablename + '].[' + @fieldname + ']) end,[' + @tablename + '].[' + @fieldname + '] from [' + @tablename + ']' + isnull(' where' + @where,'')
    set @isql = 'declare @type sysname' + char(10) +
    'select @type = t.[name] from dbo.sysobjects o inner join dbo.syscolumns c on o.[id] = c.[id] inner join dbo.systypes t on c.xtype = t.xtype where o.[name] = ''' + @tablename + ''' and c.[name] = ''' + @fieldname + '''' + char(10) +
    'insert #isqlvars (dlen,hold) select case @type when ''ntext'' then (datalength(dbo.[' + @tablename + '].[' + @fieldname + '])/2) else datalength(dbo.[' + @tablename + '].[' + @fieldname + ']) end,dbo.[' + @tablename + '].[' + @fieldname + '] from dbo.[' + @tablename + ']' + isnull(' where' + @where,'')

    exec sp_executesql @isql
    if @@error <> 0 or @@rowcount <> 1 goto doh

    select @isql = '', @i = 0, @lsql = null, @len = v.dlen from #isqlvars v

    while @i <= @len --this can loop up to 39 times before it becomes too big for sp_executesql to handle
    select @isql = @isql + char(10) +
    'declare @sql' + cast(@i as varchar) + ' nvarchar(4000)' + char(10) +
    'select @sql' + cast(@i as varchar) + ' = substring(hold,' + cast(@i as varchar) + ',4000) from #isqlvars',
    @lsql = isnull(@lsql + '+','') + '@sql' + cast(@i as varchar),
    @i = @i + 4000

    select @isql = @isql + char(10) + 'exec (' + @lsql + ')'

    exec sp_executesql @isql
    if @@error <> 0 goto doh

    goto done
    print 'An error has occured '
    print @isql
    select * from #isqlvars
    drop table #isqlvars

    Keith Henry

    Keith Henry

    According to everyone I know I "do something with computers?" for a living, so there you go.

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