• In case this helps, this is the ActiveX script that is being used in my datapump.


    '  Visual Basic Transformation Script


    Function PreSourceMain()

     'Declare Variables

     dim currentColumn  'Contains the current column to transform

     dim index   'index for looping through column headers

     dim columnHeaders  'contains the headers used in this transformation


     PreSourceMain = DTSTransformStat_OK

    End Function

    Function RowTransformMain()

     columnHeaders = DTSGlobalVariables("ColumnHeaders")

     'Loop through the columnHeaders and build the column string for the SQL statement


     While InStr(columnHeaders, ",")

      'Get the current index point of the Column Delimiter

      index = InStr(columnHeaders, ",")

      currentColumn =  left(columnHeaders,index-1)

      DTSDestination(currentColumn) = DTSSource(currentColumn)

      'remove the parsed value from the list

      columnHeaders = right(columnHeaders, Len(columnHeaders)-index)


     'Get the last column


     currentColumn = columnHeaders

     DTSDestination(currentColumn) = DTSSource(currentColumn)

     RowTransformMain = DTSTransformStat_OK

    End Function