Problems with a text import!!!! HELP PLEASE!!!

  • Hey everyone. 

    I have written a DTS package that reads an uploaded CSV file, builds a table to import the data too, and then proceeds to import the data from the CSV into the new table.  Due to the nature of this packages use, it is very generic in order to handle ANY CSV file, containing ANY column structure.  I have been able to get the package working pretty consistently so far, but have run into one very troublesome issue.

    in production, the package will be executed via a stored procedure calling the 'xp_cmdshell' sproc.  When I execute from the command line, the datapump task throws the following error:

    Error:  -2147352319 (80020101); Provider Error:  0 (0)

       Error string:  Error Code: 0

    Error Source= Microsoft VBScript runtime error

    Error Description: Object required: 'this'

    Error on Line 6

       Error source:  Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Data Pump

       Help file:  sqldts80.hlp

       Help context:  30631

    the strange part to me is that when I am in the Package Designer and execute the package from there, everything works perfectly!

    Has anyone run into this error before?  Have any suggestions of how to solve this? 

    Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am just out of ideas.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Sounds very similar to the problem I had. See link to this site



    It looks like a permisssions problem. When you run the package from designer it uses the sql account you are logged in as, but the xp... command probably uses another login.

    Maybe one of the files required is not accessible by one of the logins. Hope this all least points you in the right direction.


    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • Jonathan,

    Thanks for the help.  I read through the thread and performed the actions on luck.  I still get an error telling me that the VB requires an object of "this". 

    Any other thoughts?

  • In case this helps, this is the ActiveX script that is being used in my datapump.


    '  Visual Basic Transformation Script


    Function PreSourceMain()

     'Declare Variables

     dim currentColumn  'Contains the current column to transform

     dim index   'index for looping through column headers

     dim columnHeaders  'contains the headers used in this transformation


     PreSourceMain = DTSTransformStat_OK

    End Function

    Function RowTransformMain()

     columnHeaders = DTSGlobalVariables("ColumnHeaders")

     'Loop through the columnHeaders and build the column string for the SQL statement


     While InStr(columnHeaders, ",")

      'Get the current index point of the Column Delimiter

      index = InStr(columnHeaders, ",")

      currentColumn =  left(columnHeaders,index-1)

      DTSDestination(currentColumn) = DTSSource(currentColumn)

      'remove the parsed value from the list

      columnHeaders = right(columnHeaders, Len(columnHeaders)-index)


     'Get the last column


     currentColumn = columnHeaders

     DTSDestination(currentColumn) = DTSSource(currentColumn)

     RowTransformMain = DTSTransformStat_OK

    End Function

  • I got it figured out.  It was my error and now everything is working splendidly!!!


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