1 DB and 2 Servers

  • MysteryJimbo (7/28/2011)

    Except in servers under extreme load the performance hit caused by mirroring is negligable. Data loss can be zero with syncronous mode.

    Thank you.

    I like that the 2nd DB can be used as a reporting server 🙂

  • ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    I like that the 2nd DB can be used as a reporting server 🙂

    If you do that, the second server must be licensed.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • GilaMonster (7/28/2011)

    ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    I like that the 2nd DB can be used as a reporting server 🙂

    If you do that, the second server must be licensed.

    Cool, thanks 🙂

  • ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    GilaMonster (7/28/2011)

    ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    I like that the 2nd DB can be used as a reporting server 🙂

    If you do that, the second server must be licensed.

    Cool, thanks 🙂

    Not really cool ifyou are strapped for cash. Even std license take quite a byte out of a tight budget. Especailly if you have multi CPU report server...

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (7/28/2011)

    ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    GilaMonster (7/28/2011)

    ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    I like that the 2nd DB can be used as a reporting server 🙂

    If you do that, the second server must be licensed.

    Cool, thanks 🙂

    Not really cool ifyou are strapped for cash. Even std license take quite a byte out of a tight budget. Especailly if you have multi CPU report server...

    True, but if I only need a license for each app handling our report routing instead of each client, then it's not so bad 🙂

  • ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    Ninja's_RGR'us (7/28/2011)

    ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    GilaMonster (7/28/2011)

    ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    I like that the 2nd DB can be used as a reporting server 🙂

    If you do that, the second server must be licensed.

    Cool, thanks 🙂

    Not really cool ifyou are strapped for cash. Even std license take quite a byte out of a tight budget. Especailly if you have multi CPU report server...

    True, but if I only need a license for each app handling our report routing instead of each client, then it's not so bad 🙂

    Err, what do you mean by app? Licenses are based on users (used loosely) not application counts.

  • ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    Ninja's_RGR'us (7/28/2011)

    ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    GilaMonster (7/28/2011)

    ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    I like that the 2nd DB can be used as a reporting server 🙂

    If you do that, the second server must be licensed.

    Cool, thanks 🙂

    Not really cool ifyou are strapped for cash. Even std license take quite a byte out of a tight budget. Especailly if you have multi CPU report server...

    True, but if I only need a license for each app handling our report routing instead of each client, then it's not so bad 🙂

    That's not how licensing works. The application is not the user, the client is. If you have one reporting application distributing reports to 20 users, that's 20 client CALs that you need, not one.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Now this is getting expansive :w00t:!

  • GilaMonster (7/28/2011)

    ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    Ninja's_RGR'us (7/28/2011)

    ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    GilaMonster (7/28/2011)

    ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    I like that the 2nd DB can be used as a reporting server 🙂

    If you do that, the second server must be licensed.

    Cool, thanks 🙂

    Not really cool ifyou are strapped for cash. Even std license take quite a byte out of a tight budget. Especailly if you have multi CPU report server...

    True, but if I only need a license for each app handling our report routing instead of each client, then it's not so bad 🙂

    That's not how licensing works. The application is not the user, the client is. If you have one reporting application distributing reports to 20 users, that's 20 client CALs that you need, not one.

    Ok, we have a service to send emails and a print service to do printouts. So the users create entries for a specified report + parameters + service type to be handled by these services. Thus, I would say 2 services interfacing with the report server. Will you still say we need a license per user?

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (7/28/2011)

    Now this is getting expansive :w00t:!

    Crazy :crying:

  • ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    Ninja's_RGR'us (7/28/2011)

    Now this is getting expansive :w00t:!

    Crazy :crying:

    yup, 1 per user even if they don't use it everyday.

    Basically if one person NEEDS to access the server / data you need to pay a license for him.

    Here's a little script from Micheal Valentine Jones to calculate the cheapest option depending on # of users and license type.




    Description: Script to calculate the break even point for Processor vs. Server/CAL licensing

    To use this script:

    1. Enter the current Price_Per_Processor and Price_with_Server_CAL for each edition of SQL Server.

    2. Enter the current CAL price.

    3. Execute the script.


    set nocount on

    declare @Edition table (

    Edition varchar(10) not null primary key,

    Price_Per_Processor numeric(10,2) not null,

    Price_with_Server_CAL numeric(10,2) not null


    declare @cal_price numeric(8,2)

    -- Modify CAL price as needed

    select @cal_price = 115.00

    insert into @Edition

    select Edition = 'Enterprise',

    -- Modify price as needed

    Price_Per_Processor = 18700.00,

    -- Modify price as needed

    Price_with_Server_CAL = 5800.00

    union all

    select Edition = 'Standard',

    -- Modify price as needed

    Price_Per_Processor = 4900.00,

    -- Modify price as needed

    Price_with_Server_CAL = 655.00


    a.* ,

    b.* ,

    CAL_Price = @cal_price ,

    CAL_Break_Even =

    convert(int,floor(((Price_Per_Processor * Processor_Count) - Price_with_Server_CAL)/ @cal_price))


    @Edition a

    cross join


    select Processor_Count = 1 union all

    select Processor_Count = 2 union all

    select Processor_Count = 3 union all

    select Processor_Count = 4

    ) b

    order by



    print 'If CAL count > CAL_Break_Even, then processor license is cheaper.'

    print ''

    print 'Calculation for CAL_Break_Even = '

    print ' ( ( Price_Per_Processor * Processor_Count ) - Price_with_Server_CAL ) / CAL_Price'

  • ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    Ok, we have a service to send emails and a print service to do printouts. So the users create entries for a specified report + parameters + service type to be handled by these services. Thus, I would say 2 services interfacing with the report server. Will you still say we need a license per user?

    Yes. The print server is not a user, neither is the email server, the person who receives the report is.

    If it worked the way you're considering, I could take a web server, put it in front of a SQL enterprise edition server and serve data to the entire world for 1 CAL licence. It does not work that way.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • GilaMonster (7/28/2011)

    ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    Ok, we have a service to send emails and a print service to do printouts. So the users create entries for a specified report + parameters + service type to be handled by these services. Thus, I would say 2 services interfacing with the report server. Will you still say we need a license per user?

    Yes. The print server is not a user, neither is the email server, the person who receives the report is.

    If it worked the way you're considering, I could take a web server, put it in front of a SQL enterprise edition server and serve data to the entire world for 1 CAL licence. It does not work that way.

    This is kinda confusing, if you as business have to pay for each client that you send a report it's MS riding you for each client you are providing a service.

    Something sounds off, I can understand to pay for each user accessing SQL even via a web service due to a connection being made to the SQL, but to then pay MS for each report that the business create is insane.

    Our software is used by Pathologists, they generate a report for each patient, if the whole world was my client, do they have to pay for a license for each person (user) in the world?

    I do understand that in that sense you can buy a CPU license, well I guess this is why open source is so popular 😛

  • Thanks Ninja's_RGR'us, I think we past per user license and will have to get a CPU lic.

    MS is killing us 3rd world countries :crazy:

  • ajsnyman (7/28/2011)

    Something sounds off, I can understand to pay for each user accessing SQL even via a web service due to a connection being made to the SQL, but to then pay MS for each report that the business create is insane.

    Not each report. Each user of the system, whether they access the system directly or indirectly.

    Our software is used by Pathologists, they generate a report for each patient, if the whole world was my client, do they have to pay for a license for each person (user) in the world?

    If the pathologists are the ones generating the reports, they are the users of the system. They are the ones who need to have licences.


    You may deploy network architectures that use hardware or software to reduce the number of devices or users that directly access the software on a server. This is referred to as multiplexing or pooling. This does not reduce the number of CALs required to access or use the server software. A CAL is required for each device or user that is connected to the multiplexing or pooling software or hardware front end.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass

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