2000 isnull vs 2005 isnull


    This join worked in SQL 2000.  In SQL 2005 it hangs.

    I need to receive a -1 IF the select does not get a hit.


    INNER JOIN insrs WITH (NOLOCK) ON insrs.insrsid = isnull((select top 1 insrs1.insrsid from insrs as insrs1 with (nolock)

    where insrs1.ticketsid = #PAX1.ticketsid

    and insrs1.submittal_status = '1'

    and insrs1.deleted = 'N'

    order by insrs1.filed desc),-1)


    Thanks for you help,


  • Do you mind to try with coalesce instead and see ?

    coalesce((your select stuff here),-1)

    Also Hints are nothing but that; "hints". It does not means that you will be granted that isolation, although *most of the time you do*.

    * Noel

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