2008 R2 SP2 Install fails with no messages

  • I'm installing SP2 on my 2008 R2 servers and it has gone well for the most part. However, I have one machine that is giving me fits.

    If I run the SP2 install executable, it unpacks and I see a DOS window flash up and disappear. That's it. The temp directory where the files were unpacked gets deleted.

    I run the install on another and copied the unpack directory over, so it wouldn't get deleted. If I run the setup.exe program, the DOS window pops up and disappears again. So I opened an admin command prompt and ran it that way. All that happens is the copyright message is displayed (Microsoft (R) SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup 10.50.4000.00 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.) and then I am returned to the command prompt.

    Setup.exe is not shown as running in task manager after I'm returned to the command prompt. I have admin rights on the box. I'm running this from an admin command window. UAC is disabled. Both the SP, server, and OS are 64 bit. There are no entries in the windows event logs. I cannot find any sort of installation log to troubleshoot (I looked for C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap. There was no directory by that name in the 100 folder.). I cleared the Windows Installer directory (%windir%\installer) and the IE cache. I've rebooted the machine. The Windows Installer service is running. This is the same executable that runs fine on other servers (copied from a central share).

    Does anyone have any other ideas? The server is a test server used for evaluating a new product. It only has SQL Server and this other product on it. We use an older version of the product, so I know it works with SQL Server. OS is Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard. It was a new build and I successfully installed SLQ Server 2008 R2 and SQL 2008 R2 SP1 on it when it was built about 2 months ago.

    The lack of errors or logs makes troubleshooting this somewhat difficult, to say the least.

  • What version of .Net is installed?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Add / Remove Porgrams shows Framework 4 Client Profile and Framework 4 Extended. The ASoft .NET Version Dectector XI program shows .Net 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2, 3.5 SP1, and 4.0 full client.

  • Same versions exist on the other servers that work?

    Do you have access to a different installer to test that?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Not sure what you mean by a different installer. But I did just install the SP on another server that had the same .NET versions without problems.

  • Start regedit.exe by typing regedit into your Windows search, or navigate to c:\Windows and double-click on regedit.exe.

    Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager and locate the PendingFileRenameOperations entry.

    Post what you find as the data for that entry.

    CE - Microsoft

  • \??\C:\Users\SHASTU~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\PCW2543.xml



  • shaun.stuart (8/1/2012)




    Ok. I had seen issues with SQL needing a restart, and then you restart and it still says it needs a restart to continue installing. I didn't know if this was related, and it looks like it is not. Sorry...

    CE - Microsoft

  • I have seen the same thing as Jared. Also have seen it misbehave due to version of .Net.

    Neither of those seems to be the case here.

    Out of ideas.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • I thought I found the problem, but still no.. I was attempting some Windows Updates and saw ones for .NET 4 Framework were failing. I went into Add / Remove Programs and did a Repair on the .NET 4 Framework. That allowed the Windows Updates to complete. Hasn't solved my service pack problem though... Still seeing the same behavior.

  • SQL Server always logs install failures and install successes. On any of my computers the logs are stored in:

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log

    In this log directory there is a directory for each install/uninstall you have done.

    First checkout the summary_xxxxxxxxxx_landingPage.txt for any errors. if this does not have that much info, next check out the detail_landingpage.txt

    Good Luck.

    EDIT: Scratch above response! Didnt notice in your first post you mentioned this directory is not to be found!

  • At this point, I would try a repair with the original disks, and then try to reapply the SP.

    CE - Microsoft

  • I managed to find some logs by searching the entire hard drive for recently created files. Turns out, the log was at C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\SqlSetup.log. Details in the log are:

    08/02/2012 06:54:45.744 Required version of Windows Installer is already installed

    08/02/2012 06:54:45.746 .Net version 3.5 is already installed.

    08/02/2012 06:54:45.747 Windows Installer version 4.5 is already installed.

    08/02/2012 06:54:45.748 Patch related actions cannot be run from the local setup.exe, so continuing to run setup.exe from media.

    08/02/2012 06:54:45.749 Attempt to initialize SQL setup code group

    08/02/2012 06:54:45.751 Attempting to determine security.config file path

    08/02/2012 06:54:45.763 Checking to see if policy file exists

    08/02/2012 06:54:45.764 .Net security policy file does exist

    08/02/2012 06:54:45.766 Attempting to load .Net security policy file

    08/02/2012 06:54:45.772 Error: Cannot load .Net security policy file

    08/02/2012 06:54:45.774 Error: InitializeSqlSetupCodeGroupCore(64bit) failed

    08/02/2012 06:54:45.777 Error: InitializeSqlSetupCodeGroup failed: 0x80004005

    08/02/2012 06:54:45.779 Setup closed with exit code: 0x80004005

    The line at 06:54:45.748 seems somewhat strange. At least I have an error message I can research now.


  • Just to bring some closure to this.. The issue seemed to be similar to the one posted in this thread: http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic1262389-391-4.aspx

    However, the solution to that issue (caspol.exe -machine –reset) did not work for me. It turns out the problem was with the Security.config file for .NET. Based on the post from MS at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/shawnfa/archive/2004/10/21/245972.aspx, I deleted those files from the locations listed in that post. Still didn't work for me. It turns out, this file is stored in another place not mentioned in the previous website - it was in my C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming directory.

    Bottom line, I searched my entire hard drive for all copies of Security.config and Security.cch and deleted them all. That allowed the SP2 program to run.

  • Hey Shaun,

    when you say you deleted all the security.config and cch file, did you delete it for every profile that is on the server or just for your profile? Also i wasn't able to find a security.config or cch file under ...\roaming but did find one under roaming\microsoft\clr security\v2.0.50727.312


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