3rd Party Tool for Transaction Log Backup

  • Is there anyone using a third party tool that would take a transaction log backup and move the files to a remote location?




  • While I'm sure there are plenty of third party tolls that do this, I actually found a great set of scripts designed by someone on this site and posted for free. It uses a command line zip utility to compress the logs before sending them across the netrrok to a remote server. The whole setup is designed to facilitate log shipping but we use it just to for offsite backups as well. I'm currently using it for twenty remote sites and it works great.


    Here's the link http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/ckempster/customlogshipping.asp


  • Its a wonderful solution however has some shortcomings, acknowledged by author himself:

  • Cant pre-detect missed or missing files (as you could if you utilised the MSDB)
  • Cant pre-detect invalid file sizes
  • Does not do a quick header and file check and compare DBA's passed in parameters with
  • i am infact concerned about 1 and 2 both. Would like to find a solution for these.

  • Are you looking to just move the logs or for transaction log shipping?

    Julian Kuiters

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