64 bit workstation Tools - OK to acces 32 bit SQL 2005?

  • OK, hate to ask a stupid question...but I figured it was better to ask then to make a stupid mistake. I am pilot testing Windows 7 64 bit in my environment. One of my SQL boxes is a 32 bit version of SQL 2005 - running production work for the RDBMS, SSRS, and SSIS.

    If I install the 64 bit client on my 64 bit workstation, am I going to run into problems changing and developing new solutions for our SQL 2005 32 bit environment?

    Thanks. RH

  • Nope - no problems. I am currently running Windows 7 x64 - accessing SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 instances running both x64 and x86 with no problems.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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