70+ columns in a single table.

  • I agree with the post above but this issue about normalisation comes up again  and again.

    a 284 col table is plainly not normalised. databases seldom seem to be modelled and often seem to act purely as a kind of temorary store for data.

    You're right about the poster needing solutions but it is strange that this issue is raised again and again



  • AngelaBut is right, it was a little off track, but hey, I posted some suggestions before complaining .  Anyway, my last thought on this is...the only reason this type of Post keeps coming up is probably because someone needs proof to give to the boss when no one else is listening.


    -- Your code should read like it runs,

    -- normalize your data or not, and make

    -- someone elses job a whole lot bigger!

    "Ten ways to make good with your boss!"

    1. "Work endless hours for very little pay.

    2. "Make sure you arrive first and go home last.

    3. "Do all the work, no one else wants too.

    4. "Never complain, offer suggestions, or talk.

    5. "Always complete your work before others.

    6. "Always compliment your boss's suggestions.

    7. "Always agree with what your boss tells you!

    8. "Bring your boss a hot lunch every day.

    9. "Meet your boss in the morning with open door.

    10. "Have your boss's coat ready when he leaves.

    Now for reals, lets impress our boss with years of

    hard work, good programming technics, readable code.

    And offer suggestions which are backed by the many,

    in saving both his and your career!!



    Coach James

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