A bug on ADO??? and a workaround...

  • I had to implement the following (relatevely simple) task:

    I had two tables, say t1 and t2.

    I need to create a trigger on t1 that:

    for every Insert, Update on t1, delete all rows on t2.

    the trigger looked something like this:

    CREATE TRIGGER Delete_All_dvl ON [dbo].[aisDvc]



    delete from t2

    if @@error <> 0


    rollback tran

    end --if



    I create an ADO connection (using Delphi) and a grid pointing to the table t1.

    Every time I tried to update t1 I get the error 'record not found or changed by another user' ... or 'the query try to update more than one row'... 🙁

    I tested the above situation with DB-Express components and everything worked fine!!

    I add (before the delete command) the line:

    update t1 set t1.columnX = i.columnX

    from t1 inner join inserted i on (i.columnX = t1.columnX)

    which actually update column say X (a simple none primary key column) with the same value,.... i.e. refresh the row... and wakes up the sleeping ADO giant!!

    then.... everything work fine even with ADO!!

    I suppose the above bahviour is not a ... feature.

    PS: I use SQL Server 2000, Delphi 7.0 & MDAC 2.7

    When you 've got a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail...

  • Hi

    Try this

    set noconut on

    delete from t2

    set noconut off

    if @@error <> 0


    rollback tran

    set noconut off

    end --if


  • sorry it sholud be

    set nocount on


    set nocount off

  • It seems it works Fine!!!

    Thnx a lot Milan!!!


    When you 've got a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail...

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